15)The town pariah

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A/N Anyone enjoying this story, please leave a vote or comment is you want to see more updates - I'm working on a screenplay for school so that's been abducting most of my free time. On this and my other account I 'll really only be updating on stories that have the most attention at the moment.
Happy  reading!

Alyssa was stunned into silence for the better course of fifteen minutes as she let Elena's strange theory course through her head. Since Kai believes she'd the product of a vampire and a human, Elena figures her biological father is none other than her on-again off-again boyfriend Damon Salvatore.
That would mean the bitterly sarcastic vampire was her true father??

It was only as Alyssa heard Elena scream that she snapped back to reality. There would be time to figure out that little problem later. She actually forgot about Kai's continued pursuit of torture against Elena. Alyssa wasn't exactly sure what kidnapping the love interest of a homicidal vampire was exactly supposed to help Kai accomplish. Maybe it was revenge he was seeking for something or the other, but all in all Alyssa couldn't help but feel that Kai's plan sucked.

Hurriedly, Alyssa makes a mad dash for the hallway only to find Jo and the Damon Salvatore in the flesh on the opposite side of the hall.
As the vampire's dark head flicked up at the sound of someone, his lip curled in disgust upon seeing Alyssa. "Well lookie here, Jo-jo. It's the wonder twins Elena-lookalike." He said coldly. Damon flicked his gaze back to Jo, shaking his dark head. "I hate to break it to you because Ric's all into the help-Jo-gain-confidence bit, but your cloaking spell sucks ass because witchy over there can see us."

Alyssa shook her head. "Wait, I'm-"

Instead, Damon had thrown something extremely hard that hit the side of Alyssa's head, knocking her out cold.
Alyssa POV

How many times can I get knocked unconscious? As I wearily open my eyes, I'm wondering if I should take a trip to the emergency room. With how many whacks I've taken to the skull lately I'm bound to develop some type of brain damage.
As I glanced around, I found myself in a large bedroom.  I'm on a four poster bed. The room itself looks larger than my dorm back in Texas.
A familiar mop of curly blonde hair is in view as Liv's face suddenly hovered over mine.
"Thank God you're awake! I was afraid you were on the brink of death when they brought you here. There was a lot of blood! Then when Elena gave you that vamp blood I was afraid you were going to wake up all vampy." Liv exclaims, wrinkling her nose.

"Nice to see you too." I reply cattily, sitting up. I'm surprised there's no amazing headache to greet me - vamp blood was ten times better than Tylenol. Although the thought of a vamp shoving blood down my throat was disgusting.
"Please tell me someone broke Damon Salvatore's neck." I groan, swinging my legs over the bed to stand.

"Luke did." Liv offered with a  coy grin. "He got really pissed when Damon was all bragging how he knocked you out cold in one hit."

"I'll have to thank Luke." I mutter, pulling myself into a stretch. I'm not sure what makes me feel worse. That due to the night sky out the window it looks like I've been unconscious for hours, or that I was knocked unconscious by the vampire who could or could not be my biological father. It's a toss up.

"You have some serious explaining to do." Luke suddenly said, walking into the room. "Why the hell were you with Kai?"

I feel a deer-in-the-headlights look coming on.  I'm not entirely sure what to reply. "Kai wanted to see if Elena knows who my biological father is." I mutter, diverting my eyes to the floor.

"Why would-"

"According to what my dad says, Elena Gilbert is my half sister. My mother, is her biological mother."

I don't really need to bother with a DNA test. I'll go through with  one to be absolutely certain, but Elena and I look so similar I highly doubt there's not a familial connection between us. Luke and Liv share a look of confusion that's so similar, it makes them look as though they were identical twins if not for the different hair and genders.
"Was." Liv says in a small voice.

My furrowed brows cause Liv to sigh. "We overheard Elena talking to Damon and Jeremy once - her bio mom died a few years ago after some crazy original vampire compelled her to walk into the sun without a daylight ring. Long story cut way, way short, she's dead."

I feel immense pity for Isobel Flemming even though I never actually  knew her. "That's so sad."

"According to Jeremy and Damon she was a bit of a bitch if it makes you feel better." Luke offers. It's only as Liv sends him a sharp glance does Luke backtrack. "I mean - she was probably a nice bitch." He offers hastily.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2016 ⏰

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