13) Bonding

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Chappie song: "Troublemaker" by Ollie Murs

Third Person POV

Even as she sat and watched Kai devour an entire stack of pancakes along with a breakfast burrito, Alyssa still had a hard time digesting that getting breakfast, truly meant getting breakfast.

"You keep watching me with that funny look." Kai eventually complains halfheartedly, chugging down the soda in front of him.

Alyssa blinks, remembering she hadn't really spoken during the car ride to the restaurant, the time it took to order, or now that they started this strange meal. She couldn't help but just sit and stare at the strange guy in front of her who doesn't seem to have a care in the world. "I keep expecting something very bad to happen - like you'll change your mind on killing me." She says quietly, careful not to be overheard by the other eating patrons of the small restaurant.

Kai snickers before he sips from his glass once more. "If you're not careful kitten, I might get the impression you want me to kill you."
He laughs some more once Alyssa starts shaking her head rapidly. "So tell me, how come you didn't stick around this morning?" He drawls lazily, a coy smirk on his lips.

Alyssa tried to remind herself to breathe. "I was afraid."

"Why? You cheating on someone back in Texas?"

Alyssa chuckles at the absurd thought of her of all people cheating on someone, shaking her head. Her weekends are mostly spent researching or reading some sort of book for screenwriting. She doesn't date.
"Oh, no. I haven't dated in..." But Alyssa trails off, suddenly not understanding how Kai could've known she lives in Texas. "How did you know-"

"-I used your cool little thingy of thought reading to get to know you better." Kai answers casually, taking another bite out of his burrito. "I mean, you didn't think I have sex with just anyone, right?"

With her thoughts flickering back to the blonde bimbo Kai dated back in 1994, Alyssa found herself wincing. "I'm not entirely sure you'd like me to answer that."

Smirking, Kai shakes his head. "Hey now...I'm a loyal guy. I mean, sort of. I've never screwed two people at the same time. Mostly, because I'm not monogamous and I never slept with someone more than once, but still." He shrugs lightly, taking another bite of his food. "You're a mystery to me, and I want to know more about you so I can get to know you better."

Alyssa lifts an eyebrow to watch him. "Why?"

Kai snickers. "Well, it should be obvious, silly girl. I plan on us spending more nights together." He shrugs lightly, his devious smirk returning.

Alyssa gently plays with the end of her sleeve, feeling slightly unnerved by his casual references to sex. "So...is...this...a....date?"
The words felt so very bizarre for her to even say.

"Nah...Think of us as two people who fucked, that are now sharing a meal to get to know each other more." Kai shrugs innocently, another smirk slipping on his lips.

Alyssa watches Kai with a quirked brow, unsure of how someone who had been so sweet last night could be such a jackass the next morning. He was a sociopath in every sense of the word.

"Fine." Kai scoffs, rolling his blue eyes heavily. "Be a total girl and call it a date. Whatever. You better not ask me to hold your hand, though." He warns, sipping once more from his soda.

"You have a better chance of me growing wings and flying away from you." Alyssa replies dryly, crossing her arms."Couldn't you have just asked me about myself if you wanted to know me better?"

Kai waves his hand airily. "But you could lie with that - I mean, reading your mind is a lot more honest." He laughs at Alyssa's puzzled expression. "I guess I didn't need to worry about you lying too much - you don't seem to like doing such a thing. Hell, it was a surprise you never even cheated on a test in high school."

"You read my mind to see what I was like in high school?" Alyssa asks in surprise.

Kai shakes his head. "I wanted to see why you don't like your family, kitten. There's a lot of pent up anger at your folks that I don't think even you know you hold." He offers casually, before nodding his head at Alyssa's sole plate of eggs. "You should eat your food."

"And you shouldn't rummage through someone's thoughts and memories." Alyssa replies in a harsh whisper, feeling tremendously violated.

He snorts. "You shouldn't spend the night with a guy who you knew would take advantage of reading your thoughts." Kai counters playfully. "C'mon, I get it. I didn't like my parents either - well, still don't. Even though my parents didn't lie to me about being adopted, they did lie to me about a lot of other things. They also told me I was an abomination to nature, but whatever." He shrugs, sipping from his soda once more.

"I'm sorry." Alyssa word vomits lightly before stopping herself. She didn't mean for the words to come out, but she couldn't imagine how terrible hearing those words from your own parents must've felt like. She knew he was being honest - she heard Joshua Parker say that to him in a memory. Maybe that's why Kai is now the way he is. His parents didn't love him.

Kai shrugs. "Don't be. Once I become coven leader, they'll  be the ones sorry." He mutters darkly, causing Alyssa to groan into her hands.

"Did I say something wrong?" He asks innocently, tilting his head to watch her across the table.

Alyssa doesn't uncover her face as she answers. "For a brief moment, I was actually thinking you were a nice guy. Now, you just reminded me that's not quite true."

"And yet, you're still sitting right here, wanting to call this a date." Kai replies lightly, catching Alyssa's hand with his. He gently squeezes it, brushing the pad of his thumb over the top of her knuckle. Glancing at Kai, she finds his blue eyes are smoldering with intensity as he watches her. A crooked grin soon appears across his lips. "You're the one who didn't leave last night - why?" He asks quietly.

The question stunned her. Why didn't she leave?
Alyssa couldn't help but wonder what possessed her to stay with Kai. He saved her, yes, but she didn't owe him anything. In fact, he even tried warning her last night. As Alyssa thought about it, it even wasn't fully because she was drunk out of her mind and just too into kissing him - it was more than that. For the first time ever, she felt completely safe and happy with someone. It was an amusing thought - the homicidal psychopathic warlock was the one guy she felt the safest with.

"See....This is why I read your thoughts." Kai says with a small laugh. "I don't feel you'd tell me any of that unless I read what you were thinking."

Quickly retracting her hand, Alyssa realizes it wasn't just a gentle touch of their hands at all - the little bastard was siphoning from her once again. He saw what she was just thinking. Getting up, Alyssa pulls ten dollars from her purse before slapping it on the table and walking away. That alone paid for her $8.99 meal she didn't finish. She didn't dare look back as she hurried outside, and she was glad Kai hadn't followed her.

She made her way down the sidewalk, not daring to look back to see if he was pursuing her. "I'm the biggest idiot who's ever lived!" Alyssa growls to herself, stalking down the street and barely noticing the man she knocked into. Falling to the ground, she groans upon hearing her cell phone fall onto the rough pavement with a crack. She would have to look into a repairing spell to fix the damn phone.
"I'm sorry." Alyssa mumbles to the stranger, surprised that the guy has already pulled her up.

"Don't be gorgeous - I should be the one telling you that." Enzo answers, a devious grin on him.

Alyssa couldn't help but glare at the tall vampire. It was partially his fault she drunkenly had sex with the psychotic hottie of a witch last night. "You." Alyssa mutters, her deathly glare still on her face.

Enzo looks surprised by the sudden hostility. "Me." He agrees, failing at attempting not to laugh. "What's got your knickers in a twist?"

"Do you know what happened to me last night?? I was wobbly shit-faced drunk, I almost got gang raped, and then I went home with a guy who I strongly feel wants to kill me on some days. You jacksass!" Alyssa hisses in a whisper, using her shoulder to hit past the tall vampire to skulk off.

Muttering under her breath, Alyssa's down the street before Enzo suddenly vamp speeds ahead of her. "Slow down love - what the bloody hell are you talking about?" He asks with a slight frown.

"I'm not saying it again." Alyssa glowers, moving past him. "I did something very, very, very, very - very - very -very, VERY bad, and I'm partially blaming YOU!"

Enzo watches her slight amusement. "Well love, if you're going to get shit-faced wasted, don't blame me because I can hold my liquor better." He offers with a cheeky grin. It's Alyssa's suddenly sad expression that causes him to once again appear in front of her to gently grab her shoulders. "Alright, alright - I hate to see a lovely lass looking down...is there anything I can do to help?"

Feeling glum, Alyssa shakes her head. "No."

"You sure about that?" Enzo snorts. "I mean, I have no qualms with killing someone for you."

Alyssa gapes at him. "You're joking."

But to her surprise, the handsome vampire shakes his head. "You saved me from getting barbequed over a no-magic land, love. I owe you." He winks, his brows eyes holding a mischievous glint to them. "Now, is there anything I can do for you?"

Before Alyssa can even reply, Enzo sinks to his knees, holding his head in his hands while trying to groan in discomfort.
"Actually, you could remove your hands off of her." A velvety smooth voice says in annoyance.

Whirling around, Alyssa finds Kai's suddenly reappeared after cloaking himself, his hand positioned to where it seems he's trying to kill Enzo by scrambling the insides of his head. Enzo says nothing - clutching his head as he withers in pain
"Kai, no...no, stop! Please!!" Alyssa hisses, before attempting to push him. There wasn't anyone on the streets of the not busy downtown, but that didn't mean some normal person wouldn't or couldn't walk in on them at any moment.

Kai flickers his gaze over to Alyssa, seemingly angered alone at her defending a vampire. "And what will you do for me to stop?" He asks in a low, playful growl.

Gaping at him, Alyssa feels at a loss for words. Kai had the amazing ability to go from zero to homicidal crazy in 2.5.
Collapsing onto the ground, Enzo's nose starts bleeding heavily as it looks as though he's suffering a vampire version of a brain aneurism.  "Anything! Just please, STOP!"

Alyssa couldn't process that Enzo was suddenly out of pain, gasping for air. She didn't realize it was her magic stopping Kai until he turned to frown at her. With the flick of his hand, Alyssa placed a bet he just put a cloaking spell on them, because Enzo looked around in wonder looking as though he could no longer see the two of them.

"See, this is something that worries me about you, Ally - you were able to stop me when I have all the juju from that travelers spell still coursing through my veins. Why?" Kai asks, cocking his head to watch Alyssa in annoyance.

"WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU!?!" Alyssa howls with rage, watching Enzo with a sad expression. It was no obvious Kai cloaked them - Enzo couldn't see a thing. It made Alyssa sad. The guy could've been killed by Kai for literally no  reason at all.

"He was touching you." Kai answers in an obvious tone, staring at Alyssa as if she were the crazy person.


"I already told you - you're my little toy." Kai smirks arrogantly, walking away.

Feeling appalled, Alyssa quickly makes her way to stand in front of Kai, shaking her head in dismay. He attacked Enzo who did absolutely nothing to provoke him. "No! You...you can't just attack people because you're...jealous."

That was definitely the wrong word for her to use. Kai's playful demeanor suddenly vanished, his eyes narrowing as his nostrils flared. Moving with a quick grasp, Kai uses both hands to roughly grab the sides of Alyssa's  face. "I. Don't. Get. Jealous." Kai says in a quiet growl, his face only inches from hers. "You will start paying better attention to the things I say, or you're going to make me very, very, angry." He says, smirking at the sudden fear Alyssa holds.

Alyssa has no idea how to react to the threat. Kai leans in to roughly press his mouth against hers before the hard kiss morphs into a much slower one. Alyssa's knees felt as though they could buckle beneath her, but she  had no idea whether Kai's kisses were just that incredible, or whether he was once again siphoning from her.

"I'm just that incredible, baby." Kai smirks against her lips, pressing his warm mouth against hers once more before gently biting her bottom lip. Wrapping his arms around her waist, Kai moves her closer to him to continue the steamy kiss.

Alyssa found herself kissing him back, an all-too willing participant. She was enjoying the way his hand started to gently move from her waist and up her back to move to caress the back of her neck. His warm, nimble fingers pressed soft circles against her skin. "Stop doing that." She soon mutters, pulling away. It was an incredibly dizzy feeling from when Kai siphoned - it didn't just weaken magic, it weakened a life force.

"Doing what?" Kai asks playfully, grabbing ahold of her hand before leading her down the street. "Dazzling you with my amazing ability to put you into a kissing stupor, or reading your thoughts?"

Alyssa glowers at him dangerously, causing Kai to laugh. "C'mon - seriously, how do you not abuse the power to read thoughts? I can only read yours but I can't get enough of it!"

"You don't always want to know what someone is thinking." Alyssa bites back, holding her steady glare. Whirling around quickly, Kai  places a hand on the small of her back before pressing Alyssa closer against him.

Smirking down at the squirming Alyssa, he tsks lightly. "Sometimes a guy has interesting thoughts."

Saying nothing, Alyssa diverts her eyes to the cement, causing Kai to step closer to press her against his chest. "I know why you hate your powers, Alyssa Haven" he drawls lazily, pressing a small kiss on her earlobe. "You hate being different."

Kai watches her momentarily, seemingly satisfied with her absolute silence. "You're not like other witches, you never were. That's why you don't get along with your adoptive parents - it has nothing to do with your mom wanting to slaughter you for a New Orleans coven...You don't get along with those people  because they always treated you like an outcast. I saw inside your head...The strange looks, the whispering, the random glares when you showed your ability...The Haven's treated like a freak."

Closing her eyes, Alyssa suddenly hates that he could siphon her own mind reading ability to use on her. Kai Parker could peer into her head at her most hated memories, and use them against her. It was true. That really was the reason why she couldn't stand her parents. She was the strange one in her family - always warned to shy away from her powers and not to use them.

"Is that why you've taken a sudden interest in me?" Alyssa counters bitterly. "You think we can bond because we have serious mommy and daddy issues?"

"Mmm, not exactly." Kai replies lazily, using a finger to gently stroke her cheek. "I told you, you're a mystery to me, kitten. You don't realize it - but you're a lot stronger in the magic department than you realize. Olivia and Lucas? You have more power than both of them combined, and maybe even more than the current leader of the Gemini's. I want you to tap into your power....I wanna see what kind of magic little Ally-cat can really create......You know, besides the kind me and you made last night." He grins arrogantly.

  "Drop the pretense that you don't want to suck my magic completely dry for yourself." Alyssa spits back, her glare returning.

Kai smirks deviously. "Sassy little thing, aren't you? There's no pretense. I made my intentions very clear last night. You know, before we had a little fun." He winks, causing Alyssa cheeks to redden. "I want your power, yes. I want your mind reading stuff to work on anyone, and I don't know how to accomplish that without a little digging into your family history."

Kai's taken to walking to the general direction of another restaurant, one labeled the Mystic Grill. It looks nearly empty as he leads Alyssa through the doors that hold a closed sign on them. "We're gonna kill two birds with one stone, my little kitty cat." Kai grins mischievously. "We're going to get to the bottom of how come you're such a powerful little thing, while I'm also gonna try out all this access magic I've got in me thanks to that Travelers spell." He sighs, clapping his hands together. "Don't go anywhere, Ally." Kai grins, leaning forward to capture Alyssa's mouth with his once more.

Alyssa attempts to pull away from Kai's lip-lock, only for a low growl of disproval to come from his throat. "C'mon, kitten - you like belonging to me, remember?" He asks huskily, using a finger to tilt her chin up to look at him.
She did remember - that alone was enough for Alyssa to kiss Kai back with equal passion, settling her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. The tempo of the kiss starts off slow, steadily building to Kai picking Alyssa up to set her on the table.

After a few heavy moments pass where Alyssa feels slightly afraid they were headed towards the same direction last night brought them, Kai pulls away. "I gotta stop doing that -  you're really distracting." He grins, kissing her once more before walking away.

"Part of me feels afraid to ask what you have in mind - people seem to be under the impression you're a little cray-cray." Alyssa offers quietly, watching Kai as he walks to the back room of the  grill.

"Oh admit it - you're likin' what you see, kitten." Kai calls playfully, causing Alyssa to smile. She couldn't help it - his sweet nature was magnetic. It was a pulling force that made her want to stay with him right here and now.
The glowing smile slowly fell from Alyssa's face as Kai came from the room with an unconscious girl slumped over his shoulder. Cold dread replaced the warm and fuzzy feeling as Alyssa watched Kai drop the girl into a random chair before getting some nearby rope to tie her up.

The unconscious girl was Elena Gilbert.

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