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"Why doesn't Kai want to pway wif us?" The little girl with the brown pigtails asked. Her small forehead creased into a heavy frown, her lovely brown eyes filled with worry as she watched the young man sit on the couch with his head in his hands.

The child had been watching her friend's older brother since she and Liv started dressing up their dolls at the Parker's dining room table earlier. Every day it turned into a ritual after they came home from preschool. Mrs. Parker would allow the girls to play for a few hours until it was time to bring Alyssa home.
The little girl didn't understand why her best friends older brother wasn't happy today. Kai was usually in a better mood - most times when Luke and Liv asked him to play hide and seek, he obliged. Today, he was more sour than usual. His behavior was too abnormal, almost as if he were sad.

"He and daddy fighted again." Liv answered in explanation, struggling to push a too small of dress on her dolls head. Getting up from her chair, Liv's curly blonde hair bounced over her shoulder as she jumped off the chair. "C'mon, Jo will play with us."

Alyssa nodded, about to follow her friend before she stopped. Swiveling her small head, she didn't enjoy the feeling she got from watching Kai Parker. She didn't like when he wasn't happy.  Slowly, almost tentatively, the little girl made her way over to where he sat.
Gently pulling at her dark brown pig tail, the little girl bit her lip as she watched Kai. "Why are you sad?"

The young man's head gently flicked up, before his icy eyes were on the little girl. "I don't get sad, Ally." He responded icily, his tone cold.

Biting her bottom lip, the little girl stepped closer to the young man. It doesn't matter that he was at least seventeen years older than her, and it didn't even matter that he sometimes looked at her like she was an odd little creature from another planet. Alyssa adored Kai. He was funny when he insulted people, and he was one of the only few adults who didn't act like an adult. He was different, and that's what she liked most about him.
"It's okway to be sad." Alyssa said with a small shrug.

Rolling his eyes, the young man shook his head gently. "Run along and play with your little baby friends, Alyssa." Kai snorted, running a hand through his sandy brown hair.

"Nopes. I wanna sit here with you." Alyssa grinned, plopping herself down on the couch beside Kai.

Kai stiffened as the little girl gently pat his back, recoiling as if she were a rattlesnake. He didn't like being touched."You have no idea what personal bubble space is, do ya kid?"

"Not fur my boyfwiend." The little girl smiled, patting his back some more.

This actually caused Kai to laugh. His thin lips even twitched into one of those rare, genuine smiles he could give. "You realize I'm twenty-two while you're like four, right?"

Alyssa pouted out her bottom lip. "I'll be fwive in this many months." She nodded seriously, holding up two hands out before watching them in confusion. How many fingers had her mommy said were six?

"Yeah, fascinating." Kai said in a bored tone. "Now how about you run along, and let me wallow in the comfort of self pity."

"Here" Alyssa said, taking her turtle hairclip off of her head. Handing it to Kai, he accepts it with a frown.

"And what's this?"

"It brings pweople lucks."

Kai Parker wasn't amused. Cocking a brow, he watched the little girl with a not amused stare. "I don't think a tiny turtle clips is gonna solve anything, shorty."

Ally knew something that she wasn't supposed to  tell anyone. She had a secret power she shouldn't have. Her father was apart of the Gemini coven, while her mother was apart of another coven from New Orleans. They were both descended from a powerful line of witchcraft that went incredibly far back in time. It worried Tanner and Sophia Haven over how much magic Ally could use in small doses.
A trick Alyssa recently learned she had was to be able to see inside of someone's mind when she wanted to see something. All she had to do was press the palm of her hand against someone and concentrate, and she could sneak a peek at what someone was thinking. She found out what mommy and daddy got her for Christmas with this power.
Mommy told her never to show her power off to anyone, even Luke and Liv - people could take it the wrong way.

"How can you be sad when yous a witch?" Alyssa asked, tilting her head to watch Kai.

This seemed to annoy Kai greatly. His jaw clenched, his cheeks sucking in before he took a deep breath.  "I'm not like other witches, Ally-cat." He replies bitterly, almost too quiet for her to even hear.

"No. Yous cooler than other witches." Ally nodded, too young to understand that isn't what Kai meant at all.

"Well you're a little flirt, aren't ya." Kai snorts, rolling his eyes softly. "Nothing's cool about a powerless witch." He muttered this last bit.

Silence takes over a few minutes, where Ally bites her lip some more. "Livvy says you suck power from peoples."

Kai's too blue of eyes flick over to the little girl, his jaw clenching tightly. "And what of it, shorty?"

Ally giggled at the name Kai threw her again, not fully understanding she was severely annoying the young man. "I wants to give yous my power."

Kai's brows raise in surprise before his head swivels. "You want to give me your what?"

"The power to see what I see." Ally replies.

Kai watches her with a bored expression. Rolling his eyes, he's about to get up to leave before the little girl puts the palm of her hand against Kai's shoulder. An immediate flash flickers through the little girls mind, where she witnesses Kai and his father Joshua arguing.


"Don't you get it??" Joshua growled cruelly. "You'll never be the coven's leader!"

"Why not?" Kai protested, shaking his head. "I can do the merge, dad. I can merge with Jo, I can win!"

Kai didn't understand why Joshua didn't think he could do it. Even Jo knew she wasn't strong enough to survive a merge.

"IT'S NOT ABOUT THAT!" Joshua shouted, looking like he wanted to beat Kai. "You're not a true witch!"

A frown crosses Kai's face where he doesn't seem to understand what Joshua's implying. "Dad, what-"

"You don't have any of your own magic, Malachai." Joshua Parker growled, his voice filled with coldness. "You're not a witch....You're a monster! An abomination, a disgrace to the family, and a disgrace to your coven. You will never be leader."

 He was an abomination to everyone. Was that why he was different - was that why he wasn't that great at socializing? Was that why his dad always seemed to have hated him?
Joshua Parker - the hypocritical son of a bitch who had no problem killing his own twin brother in a merge. The piece of filth treated his first born son like a leper all these years, and never even told Kai why.
If Joshua wanted a monster, Kai was going to give him one. He was going to make it so not one of his siblings would be leader either before he killed himself. He was going to bash Joey's brains out. He was going to rip out Kari's lungs. He would butcher every last sibling before merging with Jo, and then he'd slit his own throat just to make sure every last member of his disgusting coven died along with him...

The memory dissolved as quickly as it came, where Ally felt the strong sadness that crashed through Kai. Each awful thing Joshua ever said to him through his twenty-two years, and each horrible amount of pain that Kai felt in the process. All of it struck Alyssa, the hard coldness of the memory causing her to cry.
The little girl took deep breaths, feeling alarmed. This was the first memory she had too much ability to hold onto, and it scared her. Kai was going to kill his family.

The atmosphere was quiet after that. No more was spoken. Alyssa moved away from Kai, her coffee-brown eyes wide in terrified shock. Olivia and Lucas never liked Kai as much as their sister Jo - they said that mommy and daddy said he was too strange. She thought that was mean to say, but what  she just saw contradicted that. She read Kai's mind, she saw his plans.
Shaking her little head at Kai, she couldn't help but start crying. The things he was planning on doing - they were sick, monstrous, and they were going to kill Ally's friends in the process.

"Don't do it." Alyssa whispered, her eyes shining with tears. She didn't want the young man with the pretty blue eyes who played hide and seek with her to butcher his family.

Kai watched the child in confusion, not understanding what she was suddenly so upset about. She touched his forehead, and now she's staring at him with the upmost fear. She did something. Something about her magic caused her to see something.
"Don't do what, Ally-cat?" Kai asked slowly, his icy eyes narrowing dangerously.

Fat crocodile tears fell from the girls eyes as she watched Kai with fear. She never felt afraid of him - she always held strong admiration for Liv and Luke's oldest brother. But now, he terrified her. He was scarier than any bedtime stories of monsters or fairytales her parents told her.

"What did you see, Alyssa?" Kai asked curiously, before taking slow, deliberate steps towards the child.

"Don't be a bad guy." Little Ally whispers, shaking her head in disbelief. Kai went to lunge for her, but she was too quick for his grasp.
She ran.
Ally ran out of the house and down the two blocks back to her parents house,  not even caring she wasn't supposed to walk alone. Alyssa Haven sobbed and told her parents exactly what Kai Parker was going to do. Her parents were livid. They were in complete shock. Immediately, they worked to contact Joshua Parker and his wife as they quickly made their way to the Parker home. They contacted the rest of the Gemini coven, too.

By the time of arrival, it was too late. Four of the Parker children had already been brutally murdered by their older brother.

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