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Chappie song: "Young God" by Halsey

Alyssa ran for probably a good twenty minutes before her legs became incredibly sore. The abandoned warehouse looked to be out in the middle of nowhere, and there wasn't a single  building around anywhere else. Alyssa travelled down an empty sideroad for the longest time, feeling completely exhausted not to mention starving. This definitely wasn't what she had in mind for seeing her two best friends this weekend. Her plans with Liv and Luke were to indulge in junk foor along with binge watching old episodes of Supernatural.

She should've trusted her instincts this morning. She thought it was strange how the dream came back out of nowhere - maybe it did for a reason. Maybe it only comes when Kai's planning something terrible.
By the time a police cruiser rolled down the road, Alyssa could've jumped for joy. Excitedly she put in effort to slowly run to the car, by now exhausted from how long she just ran. As the window rolls down, Alyssa found a young man with straw colored hair is wearing a heavy frown. He's dressed as a police officer. "Elena?"

Alyssa just stared at the man in surprise. Who is this Elena everyone seems to be seeing?
 "My name isn't ELENA!" She howled, suddenly very sick of hearing that name. Elena-Elena-Elena. First Kai was hung up on her being Elena,  then the sadistic vampire, and now the cop.
The cops's brows raise in surprise, before he suddenly gets out of the car with a crossbow somehow attached to his wrist. Before Alyssa can see what he's doing, the cop's jaw clenches. "Katherine!"

Before Alyssa could even register what was happening, she suddenly finds a very sharp object pierced into her shoulder. Shrieking out in unspeakable pain, Alyssa sinks to the ground, thankful that the arrow seemed to have missed major organs.
Major organs or not, the pain was still excruciatingly painful. Blood is coming out of the wound, as hot tears sting Alyssa's eyes. This can easily go down as one of the very first of her existence, she thought bitterly.

Releasing quiet tears, Alyssa brings her kness into a ball, to stare at the young man in shock. He just shot her with a metal arrow!

"I bet that hurts - that's a vervain tipped arrow!" The young man growls, whipping out a cell phone. Within a few moments, he was talking into it. "Damon - call me back, we got problems. Katherine's back!"

"I'm not a vampire." Alyssa groans, pathetically ripping the blade out of her shoulder. This did worse pain wise - the metal ripped from her shoulder, taking bits and parts of blood and flesh with it. A phone ringing pauses Alyssa's tears, as she starts to look around for her cell. As the young man answers his phone, Alyssa tragically realizes she lost her cell phone during the scuffle with either  Kai or the vampire.

"Donovan?" Someone barks over speaker phone. "You better not have just let me a message saying the big-bad bitch is back."

"Katherine's back." The cop replies, glaring at Alyssa intently. "I got her down with a vervain tipped arrow."

"I'm not a vampire!" Alyssa cries, holding her bleeding shoulder in pain.

"Yeah yeah, and I'm not devilishly handsome with a killer body." The stranger over the phone leers. "Cut the crap, Katherine. Where are you Donovan, I'm coming -"

"I believe you have something I want, officer." A charming, familiar voice drawls. Alyssa's head swivels, to find something far worse than a metal arrow has just arrived. Malachai Parker. Standing dressed in a simple pair of jeans, a regular grey shirt and a green jacket, he could pass as any other young adult rather than a forty year old who's been trapped in a prison word for nearly two decades.

An SUV had pulled up, but Alyssa hadn't paid attention to it given her altercation with the cop.

"This is the worst day, ever." Alyssa breathes quietly.

"Uh...Damon, Kai's here." The officer groans, suddenly back stepping.

The voice on the phone sighs dramatically. "Oh great, prince not-charming and back-to-life slutty vampire together? Well, doesn't my week just get better and better."

"I'M NOT A VAMPIRE!" Alyssa shouts through tears.

Her sudden outburst causes the cop and Kai to glance at her, but it seems to leave the man on the phone not even phased. "Quiet Katherine, when I want commentary from you I'll ask-"

"Gimme the phone." Kai sighs, motioning for the cop to hand it over. The officer looks reluctant. Rolling his blue eyes, Kai straightens himself up before he uses a flick of his hand to cause the phone to leave the officer's hand to fly into Kai's outstretched one. "Someone doesn't like sharing." He deadpans to the officer, before turning his attention to the phone.
"Damon! Heyyy buddy, there seems to be some confusion. See, there isn't a vampire here. It's officer why-does-he-bother, and my old pal, Alyssa."

"And when I get ahold of you, I'm ripping your head off for what you did to Bon-Bon." The man over the phone growls. "Give the phone back to officer Dipstick!"

Alyssa notes how crimson the officer's cheeks turn from the odd nicknames he's being  thrown.

Modify (Kai Parker/Enzo Triangle)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя