11) Undisclosed Desires

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A/N Chapter song: "Desire" by Meg Myers

WARNING: Chapter contains sex, not suitable for younger readers- Long story short, I need practice writing "smut" in a story, so this fanfiction was created on my alternative account to work on it. I'll put a warning for when I'm ending the chapter and diving into a sex scene, if you don't want to read it, don't read it and just skip to the next chapter upon reading the warning.


After taking some time in the large bathroom, Alyssa splashed some cold water on her face, feeling the heavy drinking from earlier still hitting her. She removed her socks and shoes, stretching as she splashed some more water on her face. Her mind was swimming upon reading Kai Parker's strange thought. In his own little way, he was protective of her tonight. He saved her not because of moral obligation or any conscious thought of what was the right thing to do, he did it because he hated the way the man hurt her - he hated that he touched any part of her soft body. In his strange little mind, he truly believed Alyssa belonged to him and him alone.

Alyssa knew even drunkenly the very thought should terrify her, but she felt a small buzz of excitement as she thought about it. She liked belonging to Kai. The feeling of him keeping her close by him and feeling possessive of her was as intoxicating as his sweet kisses.
Closing her eyes, Alyssa slumped against the edge of the bathtub, taking in a shaky breath. Drunk or not, she knew it was wrong to like something like that.

"If you passed out in the bathroom, I'm not coming to pull you out." Kai warns loudly, the sound of a TV playing in the other room.

"I'm kind of hiding." Alyssa offers in a shaky voice, not even lying.

She can hear the TV shut off, but she didn't expect Kai actually took this as meaning he should come across the room to enter the bathroom. Upon finding her on the floor, he arches an eyebrow as he watches her, a large half-empty tequila bottle in his hands.
"Hiding?" He questions, as if saying the word felt strange. Taking a sip from the bottle, he watches Alyssa with slight amusement.

"You make me really nervous....not in a bad way, just a nervous way." Alyssa laughs awkwardly, diverting her gaze to her knees.

"Ah - I forget you're still hammered." Kai mutters. "You better not be overthinking that damn moment-"

"-No, I'm definitely not overthinking your jealousy." Alyssa laughs softly before drunkenly realizing that was wrong to say.

Kai sets down the tequila bottle loudly on the bathroom counter, the glass making too loud of a noise upon hitting the granite. Soon, he gets on bended knee beside Alyssa. "What did you just say?"

His growl alone was enough to make Alyssa shudder. "You didn't like the guy by me-"

"-Because I  like to be the one inflicting pain on you.

"-You didn't like him groping me." Alyssa counters with a blush. "That was the part where you first decided you wanted to kill him." She breathes quietly, watching as Kay's eyes narrow.

 Clenching his jaw, Kai's steely gaze remains transfixed on Alyssa. "What exactly are you looking for me to say, Miss Haven?"

Releasing a small shrug, Alyssa wobbly pulls herself up to stand. "How can you be jealous? You don't even know me and you're...Well, kind of a jerk to me..."

Rolling his eyes, Kai stands before casually walking out the door. "What the hell is it with women - what's the meaning behind things, what are you really thinking?  Do you really expect me to be the kind of wussy who's going to sit next to you and talk about feelings?"

Alyssa laughs softly. "No, but I don't like guys who do that anyway."

 Kai twirls around to watch Alyssa in amusement. "Then why are you pushing the one stupid thought-"

"-I'm not pushing-"

"-You are." Kai counters crossly. "You're all doe-eyed hoping I have some lovelorn meaning behind helping you when in reality my reasoning is so very simple, Alyssa. You have power - an exuberant amount that makes my skin crawl when I suck it from you." He announces coldly. "I want to know how you can read minds, and I want to take that ability. You, kitten, are like my own little toy." Kai drawls, stepping close enough to make Alyssa flinch. He grins at her small movement, the pad of his thumb gently brushing her bottom lip as he watches her.  "You're mine to play with, Alyssa, and I don't like people touching things that belong to me, understood?"

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