14)Who's your daddy?

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Chappie song: "Strut" by Adam Lambert

Alyssa stared at Kai, not being able to process what it is he's doing. He kidnapped someone. He's tied Elena Gilbert to a chair, after kidnapping her. She wanted to believe maybe she was just dreaming, but a few good pinches of her arm revealed that wasn't the case.

"You kidnapped Elena Gilbert....?"

The words seemed to bizarre to even say aloud.

Kai cocks a brow as he walks over to sit across the table from Elena. "You need answers, and I need a vamp to practice on. Who better then my good buddy Damon's beloved Elena?"

Alyssa highly doubted Damon was a good buddy. You don't exactly kidnap your good buddies girlfriends. "You can't do this....She's never done anything to you!!"

Kai starts to laugh softly, sparing Alyssa a shrug. "Your point?"

Was it just yesterday that Alyssa was feeling he was just lost and misunderstood? He's murdered people - four of them were his own siblings. Why does the sight of Elena Gilbert tied with vervain ropes startle Alyssa so badly? Hurrying over, Alyssa quickly begins pulling at the ropes to untie the poor girl.

"Hey! Did I tell you to touch her?" Kai growls.

"You....You can't just tie up people because you're having a bad day!" Alyssa splutters, working the knots to undo them. It's only after untying the unconscious Elena that Alyssa frowned. How exactly was she supposed to drag a girl who weighs as much as she does out of this restaurant?

"Well, I'm not having a bad day." Kai offers as explanation, walking over in a slow approach. "Otherwise, I would've chopped some fingers off for funs and giggles. You know, as a pick-me-up."
The way he starts to laugh lightheartedly at his own comment caused Alyssa to become mortified. Her terrified expression didn't even phase Kai. "Now, tie your big sissy back up, I wanna ask some questions." He sighs, rubbing his hands together.

"Game's over." Alyssa shrugged in response, pulling out Elena's cell phone from her pocket. There had to be someone she could call for help to come pick her up.

"Yeah - see, I'm not sure where exactly you got the impression I take orders from you." Kai explained, looking a fake shade of confused. "We had sex. Nowhere do I remember signing an agreement where you now get to control the things I do. Sorry kitten, I win."

Alyssa rolled her eyes, tired of hearing that stupid phrase. "You win?? What the hell do you win? An Argument? Seriously? Grow the hell up and stop acting like a twelve year-"

Alyssa should have realized he was going to hit her. It was obvious, really. He had a pool stick in his hands, and he was watching her with an odd expression. He wasn't far away from her, either. Maybe Alyssa had actually looked at last night as Kai never being able to hurt her. He'd been so gentle and caring, maybe that's why she neglected to see the obvious. He was a psychotic crazy ass capable of stabbing anyone in the back.
 As Alyssa slumped to the floor and her head roughly smacked against the cold ground of the restaurant, she knew she was going to lose consciousness. Her vision was becoming darker as her eyes slowly drooped close. Kai lightly swaggered over to take a knee, a slight grin on his features.

With heavy weariness, Alyssa clenched her fist, before attempting to swing up at him. The force of the hit was far too weak - Kai caught her knuckle gently, shaking his head while he held it. "Just go to sleep for a little while, Ally-cat." He said softly, bringing her knuckle to his lips before placing a gentle kiss on it.


Alyssa blinked her eyes open, surprised her head wasn't hurting as soon as she awoke. Her body hurt though - no doubt meaning Kai had once again siphoned from her. Life was flying at Alyssa too hard and fast for her liking. A couple days ago, she had been completely reassured crap like this couldn't happen. She met and lost her virginity to a crazy guy, and now she looks to be held captive in some kind of office. Slowly dragging herself off of the somewhat comfortable couch she laid on, Alyssa stalked over to the desk in the room to grab a hard statue figurine off of it. She would see how much Kai enjoyed getting hit to the head next time she saw him. Payback was going to be a bitch in statue form.
The bastard had to be close by.

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