2)Saved by a spiteful vampire

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Chappie song: "Magnetic" by Jessie J

Alyssa watched Liv run up the stairs, as Kai threw Alyssa a curious glance. "I swear, you look near identical to Elena." He muses almost thoughtfully, climbing the stairs three at a time to reach Liv. Without thinking, Alyssa darts after him, developing a plan. Kai sucked the magic from Liv, but he didn't suck it from Alyssa. Being only three feet away from him by now, Alyssa sees his attention is solely directed on Liv alone.

"How are you out of the prison world?" Alyssa suddenly yells, attempting to grasp his attention. It works.

Kai slowly turns his head to look to her, his eyes slightly narrowed. "Now how do you know that?"

"Jesus, will you run already!" Liv shrieks, obviously annoyed with Alyssa. "Don't be a dumbass and die for my psychotic family!"

"Now see, I don't think her name is Jesus, Olivia." Kai smirks, as if he just amused himself.

"Best friends for ever and evers, remember Liv?" Alyssa growls, keeping her attention focused on Kai. This was the saying she Liv and Luke would say to each other as kids. Even though Alyssa moved away, and even though Liv and Luke eventually moved even farther away than Portland, their saying remained in tact even to this day. Forever and evers.

This grabbed Kai's attention. A small frowns crosses his lips as he turns to stare at her, where Alyssa has no doubt he remembers that saying. Alyssa knew she wasn't going to run. She spent almost eighteen years hating herself for running. She wasn't going to run away from one of her best friends when they needed her most. It was obvious why Kai would be here - he wants to finish what he started back in 1994. He wants to obliterate the Gemini coven. It seems like this is all a bizarre nightmare. Just this morning Alyssa was reassured by Liv that something like this couldn't possibly happen.

"Sorry Liv, I've never been good at taking smart advice." Alyssa mutters,  remembering the right incantation to whisper. She was rusty at spells - she would need luck to remember what Liv once taught her. "Phasmatos radium calaraa, Phasmato keschede sede ni canun keschede senu ni..."

Within the blink of an eye, Liv disappeared from view. Kai whips his head around, surprised yet also angry. "Oh...Little Olivia is friends with another witch...interesting." Kai says , his blue eyes narrowing dangerously as he turns to Alyssa. "Another person to siphon from."

it's only now that Alyssa realizes she just left herself alone with a psychotic murderer. "Uncloak her, and I wont rip out your spleen." Kai smiles wistfully, slowly strolling towards Alyssa on the stairs. She knows the moment he touches her, he'll be able to suck out her magic just like he'd done to Liv. Trembling, Alyssa runs down the stairs as fast as her legs can carry her. To think just a good fifteen minutes ago she was thinking about how attractive the guy was.

"Go back to hell and then we can call it a day." Alyssa bargains in  an attempted growl, swallowing a lump that's suddenly risen in her throat.

Kai laughs in a soft, musical tone as Alyssa back steps. "See, you look like Elena, you sound like Elena, but you don't have the same bravery as her, witchy."

"Insendio." Alyssa muttered, producing a wall of flames to start on the stairs. Just then, the windows burst open on the upper floor to reveal a tall, dark haired man with a murderous glare etched on his face.

Alyssa easily recognizes the guy as Tyler Lockwood, the boyfriend Liv's showed Alyssa pictures of.

"WHERE's LIV?" Tyler growls, advancing towards Kai.

"She's safe Tyler, RUN!" Alyssa yelps, suddenly garnering Tyler's surprised attention. His dark brows raise in confusion as he takes in Alyssa's figure. "Elena?"

Using her hand to whip a strong gust of air towards Kai, Alyssa decides her best chance was to run. Liv was safe, the cloaking spell would only undo if Alyssa happened to be killed, or tragically knocked unconscious. "Ohh c'mon Alyssa, we were having such a great..."

Kai stopped midsentence as he pondered the name. It seemed the gears in his ahead were putting together the name, and then the saying forever and evers.

"No way." Kai exclaims with a laugh. With ease, he takes out Alyssa's knees with a thrust of his hand. Magical energy swoops from behind and causes her to crash onto the floor. "Alyssa....Haven? Is that really you? You two are still friends all these years later." Kai laughs methodically, stepping forward. Alyssa uses her hand to push a table directly in front of Kai, only for him to break it with the palm of his hand. The action of him making a simple fist causes the table to crumple as easily as if it would if it were a piece of paper.

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