5) Adopted trouble

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Third Person POV  (I have no idea what people enjoy reading more, a person's POV or a third person, so until someone gives a request of which they would like, I'll be alternating by shaking it up every now and then between Alyssa and third person POV)

Chappie song: "Hypnotic" by Vanic and Zella day


Remaining calm was going to be quite tricky. Every fiber of Alyssa's being was screaming she was in serious trouble. She felt a trickle of fear start from her toes and warm its way up her entire body. The only good news was that if Malachai Parker was impersonating Liv, he obviously wanted information from Alyssa. Therefore, there was a reason she wasn't killed yet.  It gave her very little comfort, but it could've been worse. She could've been killed already.

Remembering a body binding spell Luke taught her in ninth grade, Alyssa quickly develops an escape plan. Kai is messing with her thoughts - he's making it appear she's actually in her dorm back in Texas.  In order to magically knock the disguised Kai unconscious, Alyssa wanted to make sure it truly wasn't one of her best friends before she acted.

"Don't remind me, Liv." Alyssa yawns, sitting up to stretch like a cat. Twirling her hair with a hand, she realizes she'll have to think fast. From the stories she's heard, Malachai Parker was a lot of things, but an idiot wasn't one of them. "Hey!" Alyssa says, suddenly standing to calmly walk over to Liv. "Do you remember that time in Cancun during spring break? You know, that time I drank too much tequila and then went swimming while completely wasted?" Alyssa laughs lightheartedly, as if  to relive a hilarious moment.

Liv's blue eyes flick up from the book she's reading to nod at Alyssa. "Of course - why?"

Waving her hand, Alyssa tests to see if she can even use magic. As she feels the energy cursing through her veins, a satisfied smirk takes over before she punches fake Liv in the face. Liv's head swivels violently, before Alyssa begins to chant. "Phasmatos radium calora santium feronoa koshka!"

Becoming quiet rigid, fake Liv falls backwards on the bed, staring up at the ceiling in calm shock. It seems this one move was enough to break whatever trance Kai held Alyssa under. She found her surroundings beginning to change, where she was no longer inside her sunny dorm room but now a dreary looking motel room with two beds and a teeny tiny TV and dresser in the corner.

Releasing a cold laugh, Alyssa crosses her arms. "I don't swim. If you were really Liv, you'd have called me out on that." She growls,  glancing around the tiny motel room for a weapon of some sort.

Liv was now no longer Liv. Laying sprawled on the bed blinking rapidly in confusion is now the not-so-detained-in-magic-prison, Kai Parker. Alyssa finds he's staring up at the ceiling, his full red lips parted in surprise.
"A body bind spell - I'm impressed." Kai laughs, a soft musical tone that comes out as velvety as his voice. "Seriously though Ally, what gave me away? I mean, I think I pulled off my youngest sisters attitude pretty well. Grundgy, curly crazy hair, and a not caring attitude." He laughs lightly.

Alyssa hated to silently admit it, but his spell was damn good. She only knew it wasn't actually Liv she was speaking to just from that one sentence.
"I only remembered the boyfweind comment from when you unlocked my memories." Alyssa replies coldly, brandishing a lamp off of the desk next to the bed. "Liv doesn't remember you, she couldn't have known that."

Kai gives a mock groan before he laughs."Damn - so close." He sighs happily.

Kai's brows raise upwards as he finds Alyssa's glare hasn't faltered. "I suppose introductions are in order, huh? I'm Kai. AKA, the man you said to one day marry. I'm glad to see you no longer have a speech problem. Also, it's nice to see you're now a woman." He smirks, cocking a brown brow. "A pretty one, at that."

"Ew." Alyssa mutters, brandishing the lamp as a weapon as she nears the bed with cautious steps. "Three questions. Where the hell am I, what the hell did you do to me, and where the hell is the real Liv?"

"Gosh you swear an awful lot." Kai chuckles methodically.

Alyssa rolls her brown eyes. "If you answer that last question with something I don't like, your head is getting bashed in." She threatens in a voice she hopes sounded brave.

Kai snorts, almost as if he found everything about Alyssa in the given moment amusing. "Ooh, feisty." He comments, arching a brow. "One, you're in a motel - a shitty one, but it's the best place I could get away with killing an inn keeper without drawing attention-"

"You killed s-someone??" Alyssa stutters, feeling all color drain from her face.

"It's not nice to interrupt people." Kai scolds in a playful voice. "Two, I may have drained your magic. No biggie, not enough to kill you. I wanted to test out that cool little mind reading trick you have. It's a bit of a buzzkill, really. It only worked with reading your mind, I couldn't get anything out of that damn innkeeper. Then again, he didn't seem like he had all that much going on in his head-"

"What the fuck is the matter with you??" Alyssa hisses in disbelief. When someone finally escapes a magical prison world, why would you do terrible things to get your ass thrown back inside it?

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