8)Scaring a killer

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Chappie song: "Can you feel my heart" by Bring me the Horizon

Third Person POV
"Don't do it." Alyssa whispered hoarsely as soon as the plan was revealed to her.

The plan was relatively simple - Jo takes her magic back, and then in the next two weeks Kai would merge with Jo. To Liv and Luke, they seemed elated to find a loophole out of having to merge themselves. However, Alyssa knew better - she sensed immediate death for the entire coven if Kai took over.

"Ignore her." Kai scoffs, his blue eyes narrowing at Alyssa. "She's still a little frazzled after-"

"You were going to kill yourself in 1994!" Alyssa interrupts with a yelp, terrified at the thought of the twins discovering her and Kai's passionate make out session. How oh how would she possibly explain that to them??

"He beats Jo, he kills himself and takes out all of us with him!" Alyssa finishes in a growl, shaking her head adamantly. "You can't trust him-"

Alyssa had barely noticed Tyler Lockwood had arrived at the dorm with Luke and Liv. As the man steps forward, Alyssa notes how utterly pissed off he looks at Alyssa for trying to poke holes in this plan."But if he does the merge thing, Luke and Liv don't have to." Tyler scowls, obviously not understanding what Alyssa was trying to say. "Obviously you're not thinking this through-"

"Hey wolf boy! When I want your opinion on my coven, I'll remember to ask for it." Alyssa bites back, feeling agitated.
Liv rolls her eyes in annoyance, Luke diverts his eyes sheepishly, while Kai seems amused at Alyssa's sudden animosity towards Liv's boyfriend.

 "Don't you guys get it??" Alyssa demands at the twins in a terrified whisper. "He becomes leader, he kills us all out of spite!"

"Actually, I changed my plans." Kai sighs, slapping his hands together. Strolling over, he throws a muscled arm around Alyssa shoulders. Squirming away from his grasp, Alyssa crosses her arms in defiance. How could she have just let the handsome psychopath stick his tongue down her throat less than a half hour ago? She could still taste the cinnamon that covered his lips. Regret and shame flooded Alyssa horribly.

Kai gives an indifferent shrug. "I'm going to become leader of the Gemini's to spite Joshua and the rest of my dick coven. Boy, how much would they hate having to live by my codes of living?"

"As soon as you do it we're all as good as dead." Alyssa says through clenched teeth, hating herself for kissing Kai. It wasn't just him who attacked her mouth with tantalizing kisses - she was an all too willing participant.

Tyler scowls at Alyssa, obviously hating her for trying to talk the twins out of the idea.  Kai comes to stand next to Alyssa yet again, this time holding out his hand. "C'mon, mind reader. Look into my head and you'll see what I want." Kai says with a devious smirk. "One look, and that'll be enough to shut you up."

"Do it Ally - if he's lying, we don't do it." Luke nods, all too trusting on Alyssa's ability to read minds.

Alyssa shuts her eyes out of frustration, not knowing what to do. More than anything Alyssa wants to believe there's a way to get Liv and Luke out of merging. She loves them both too much that it would kill her of anything happened to either them. Kai's offering the perfect solution, but that's a dangerous gamble. It would be gambling the safety of every man, woman and child of the coven.

"Tick tock, Alyssa." Kai says softly, smirking.

Grabbing ahold of his wrist, Alyssa closes her eyes to allow herself to succumb to Kai's thoughts. He's being truthful in what he says; his current desire is to rule the Gemini's to watch Joshua Parker and the rest of the coven anguish at the idea of him taking over.
There's something else Kai starts to think about - the image of Kai being coven leader slowly evaporates as a new image pops into his head. Kai's standing not clothed in a shower, and he has a woman pressed up against the shower tiles as he devours her neck in a long string of kisses before he thrusts his hips against the moaning girl.

Alyssa's feeling grossed out that this thought, before she notices the girls's face as she kisses Kai's shoulder. It's herself.

Extremely mortified,  Alyssa releases her wrist and steps away from Kai altogether. It wasn't a memory she was seeing - it's a thought Kai wanted her to see, something he was thinking of in that given moment. Blushing, Alyssa diverts her gaze to Liv and Luke's carpet, saying nothing.

"He's being honest." Alyssa finally says, not daring to look up to see Kai's probable smirk.


It was insanity. No matter that Kai was actually being honest, it was insanity at best.
Liv and Luke actually believing Kai could be trusted was insanity in itself. Alyssa swore the entire car ride to the strange cemetery on the outskirts of town where they would be meeting Kai. The more she heard about this idiotic plan, the more she cussed out of frustration. Even though Liv was the usual potty mouth out of the trio, Alyssa probably put her to shame with the long string of profanities she released out of her frustration.

In her mind, there was no way this was going to work. Kai wanted to merge with Jo, but there wasn't a way to guarantee he wouldn't do something to purposely kill the coven out of spite.
Apparently, fairly recently Liv and Luke reunited with Jo who was now a doctor teaching at Whitmore University.  Tyler Lockwood apparently told Liv about the plan after speaking to Kai, so he had joined Alyssa and the Parker twins for this ride.

Alyssa didn't care how many people approved with this asinine plan, it was still ridiculous. They were blindly holding onto faith that a man who murders people was going to remain upfront and honest throughout this entire process.

"What the hell, guys? You're just going to cross your fingers and pray he wont double cross us?" Alyssa scowls after she Liv and Luke finished securing a magical border. Out of a stroke of irony, they were securing a magical border around a magical border that trapped the inner city of Mystic Falls.

"He wants to be leader." Luke says angrily, obviously getting fed up with Alyssa's constant nagging on the matter. "He merges with Jo, we don't have to merge-"

"Maybe there's a way to merge without actually merging your lives." Alyssa protests, sensing nothing good was to come of this.

"You don't think we've checked out every last way of how not to die while merging since we were kids??" Liv growls, tossing Alyssa a very pissed off look. "If there was a damn way Ally, we would've found it by now!"

"How about you two just go into hiding and fuck the coven." Alyssa offers. "No one dies, and Joshua is the last coven leader so Kai doesn't-"

"Since when do you call him Kai?" Luke interrupts with a scowl. "We've always referred to him as Malachai for the most part. I saw you two back at the dorm -  why are you guys so chummy all of the sudden?"

Alyssa rolls her eyes. "Oh! You're right Lucas, my calling him Kai is the biggest problem of the moment!" She bites back angrily.

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