Chapter Nine - Surprises, Lies and Kisses

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Every cell in my body was scared, angry and sad. I turned my face away, towards the ground, letting my hair fall in front of my face. Jace had turned completely silent beside me.

The woman in front of me had wide eyes.

After several minutes she spoke again. "Meridian? I-I ... I don't know what to say." She said honestly which made me snap my eyes to her, her appearance printing in my mind.

Compare to two years ago she looked a lot better. Her once long chocolat brown hair was now short, cascading her still heart-shaped face. Her deep brown eyes were no longer blood shot with drugs. Her skin looked healthy as well as her weight.

Overall, it looked like she became a lot more healthy and stable. Yet I could never be sure with that woman.

"So don't!" I spat and turned on my heel, ready to leave. How dare she show up? How dare she show her face after all she's done to me?

"Wait! Please, at least hear me out!"

"Why would I do that?" I yelled and turned around again, eyes blazing. "What did you do to deserve to talk to me again?"

The woman looked down at the ground and when she looked back into my eyes I saw that hers were filled with tears. "I can't explain in words how sorry I am. I-I changed Meridian. After you left I realized how much of a monster I was and fixed things! I went to rehab, stopped drugs, got a job and now I'm doing well. I-I'm finally being the adult I was supposed to be!"

"Well you should! You're, what, thirty three now? It's about time you got your act together! I hate you! You hear? Loathe, disgust, fucking hate you so much words can't explain my hate for you." I said, voice razor sharp it made me wonder where I got so much hate from. "I hope you burn in hell." I sneered before turning around and running.

I couldn't stop them now; the tears I mean. They were just falling from my eyes, down my cheeks and onto the floor. Without thinking I ran to the training room.

Took my gun out of my sheat and began to shoot at whatever was in the training room. The walls, the dummy, anything.

The doors behind me burst open. Full of fear I turned and shot at the door.

Immediately the gun was kicked out of my hand. With a blurry vision I looked at the tall figure towering above me. I was about to fight back when I was pulled into the figure's body.

Then without noticing, he was supporting all of my weight so we sank to the ground. Embraced by warm arms, I cried, not caring that I was showing my vulnerability to Jace, the one person I don't want to show it too.

"How dare she? Where does she get her guts?!" I screamed, histerically.

My body was shaking which made Jace tighten his grip as he buried his face in my hair and soothed me. "Sssh, you can cry." So l did.

To the point I fell asleep in his arms with puffed eyes, wet cheeks and a tortured heart.


I had the strangest dream of someone hugging me tightly, saying soft and kind words in my ear. Then softly brushing something against my lips, that caused me to have butterflies and tingles everywhere.

I had the strangest dream of meeting my mother after three years again. I had the strangest dream of bursting out all my emotions I had locked up for eighteen years. 

I had the strangest dream of Jace kissing me.


I woke up.

Warmth embracing me and soft skin. With fluttering eyes I focused on the sleeping face in front of mine. While taking in all the features of the beautiful boy I realized it was Jace.

Then my eyes fluttered to his arms hugging me and the surroundings I found myself in. I was on a bed, more specifically, my bed. Jace was hugging me in my room while sleeping. 

I tried my best to remember what had happened to cause this scene and when the memories came flooding in I clutched my head and fell of the bed, causing Jace to wake up instantly, panic written on his face.

"Are you okay? What happened? Why are you on the ground?" He said, rushing the words all at once. I arched both my eyebrows at him as I took in his sleepy voice. It was huskier then usual which made me shivver.

Also his hair was even more tousled then it usually was. It looked like he just had a great night of sex. The thought alone made me blush.

"I'm not that great. I got surprised of your ugly face and I fell of the bed after a unicorn attacked me." I said, a dumb look plastered on my face.

After several seconds Jace's face broke into a smirk. "Are you sure you didn't hit your head too hard after falling off the bed?"

I got up and crossed my arms. Only to realize I was in shorts and a see-through tank top. A fierce blush made it's way to my face as I ran to the bathroom, while taking random clothes out of my closet.

After changing I stalked towards Jace I punched him in the face.

"Seriously?" He half yelled. "In the morning?!"

I smirked. "You bet cha."

He narrowed his eyes at me then smirked. "You were pretty hot yesterday."


"You know, in those shorts and tank top." I scowled at him and threw a pillow at him.

A devilish look plastered onto Jace's face as he said "Oh, it's on!"

And so our pillow fight started. Only to be broken up by a cheerful Alba. The moment she entered the room we all stopped and stared at each other. With a pillow still in our hands we had an awkward silence.

Until Alba started to smile smugly. "Sorry to disturb."

"No it's not-" I started to protest but she didn't listen and closed the door again, leaving me and Jace baffled.

I threw my pillow at Jace and ran out of the door with a huge smile on my face. He chased after me but I managed to escape. People around us gave us weird looks but I didn't mind because right now I felt very happy.

You're Awfully Honest for a Liar [Stopped]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon