Chapter Six - Not a joke

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  • Dedicat lui Loïc


While walking down the corridor to my next class I saw some people staring at me. I couldn't help but sense a deja-vu taking over as I glared all at them. It was one of my famous glares. A glare that spelled "What the hell are you looking at, chump?!"

"You know, people would actually talk to you if you didn't glare so much." A cool voice spoke beside me. I snapped up my eyes to Jace and glared.

He clicked his tongue as if scolding a little kid and smirked playfully. There was a edge to his eyes. There was amusement in them but also something else. Something I couldn't quite read or get.

"If I glare too much, how come you're still stalking me?" I asked as I pushed open the door to my English class. Jace sat down beside me and leaned lazily back with his hands behind his head.

"Because you're interesting."

I rolled my eyes and opened my books. "You're so cheezy. I feel like I'm in some romance movie."

He winked at me, making the girls behind me jealous. "Just for you babe."

With narrowed eyes I punched him in the face. His head flung backwards and an astonished look flashed on his face. "Don't," I warned. "don't call me babe, douche."

With the back of his hand he whiped his lips that had a little cut and blood on them. Had I done that? Oopsie. "Feisty," Jace started but I stomped on his foot. 

"Finish that sentence and I finish your life."

All amusement drained from his face at my threat. "That's not even a funny joke."

The teacher walked in class and right before he started his speech I winked playfully at Jace. "It wasn't a joke."


The torture continued. It went on and on and on until I slammed my fists on my desk, turned sharply in my chair and threw my pen at the torturer.

"Ow! What the hell, Meridian?!" Alba complained, stalking towards me.

"Will you shut up? I fucking hate Jenna Beaver! Her song 'Baby' was bad enough but now you come up with 'Never Say Never'?" I yelled at her getting up from my chair and taking a pillow to throw at her.

Alba frowned while putting both her hands on her hips. "First of all, it's Justin Bieber. Second, he's a guy! Third off, 'Baby' and 'Never Say Never' are amazing songs! You have no taste in musss-" Immediately Alba shut her mouth, not finishing her sentence, but it didn't take a scientist to know what she was going to say.

I bit on my lip and sat down on my bed. "Yeah, I know." 

Alba sat beside me quietly for a minute before smiling smugly and pulling a pillow to her chest. "So, what's up with Jace?"

Just the mention of his name made me roll my eyes. "Nothing. There's nothing, alright? Jace is just an annoying, stalking, jerk-off--"

The rest of my sentence died when Alba put her hand on my mouth. "I get it. But I'm not convinced." She withdrew her hand when I slapped it. "How so?"

"Well for starters, you smile around him. Not that fake smile of yours, but the real smile I sometimes get."

I stared dumbfounded at her. "I do not smile around Jace Cross."

"Do too."

"Do not."

"Do too."

I threw up my hands in dispair as Alba smirked, her eyes twinkling. "I'm not playing this childish game with you!"

Alba shrugged. "All I'm saying is that you've got to give Jace a chance. I think he's good for you."

I arched one eyebrow. "You want me in a relationship with him?" I could barely survive two minutes with him without trying to strangle him, how was I supposed to be his girlfriend? Besides, I don't do relationships. Not to mention he might not see me that way and the fact that I've only known him for a few weeks.

There, aren't those enough arguments against a relationship with Jace Cross?

"I didn't say be his girlfriend," Alba gave me her 'duuh!' look. "just hang around him."

I pushed her off my bed which earned me a glare from her then pulled the sheets over myself and mumbled. "I'm going to sleep now."

A groan. "It's barely eight!"

"I'm an early sleeper."


Surprise was written on every inch of his face as I sat down beside him during lunch the next day. Each day since the school became co-ed Jace had sat beside me during lunch. It was quite obvious I didn't like it but that didn't stop him.

"Don't take it the wrong way. There's just no other seat left."

Jace looked around him only to find that there were at least three tables empty. A slow smile played on his full lips. "Sure, whatever you say."

I nodded and took a bite from my apple, feeling Jace's eyes on me. "If you have something to say, say it."

Jace shook his head and laughed. "I was just wondering why you amaze me."

I almost choked on my apple, then laughed whole-heartedly. "You really need to work on your pick-up lines. They're not working on me." Our eyes locked and I felt something flutter in my chest.

"Who says I'm picking you up?"

A small smile grew on my lips. "You aren't?"

He leaned in closer to me then said. "Well, maybe just a little."

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