Chapter Thirteen - Betrayals and Thieves

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(A/N) Hi, a special thanks to my Trin and her friend, you should go on your knees and thank them because I'm uploading because of them. TOEDELS and enjoy the chapter! A little less cheeziness!(:

I grumbled under my breath but that only made him tighten his grip. “Will you stop it?” I yelled at him but that didn’t help either. I struggled under his grip however it was no use as he was stronger then me. “Ugh! Let me go!!”

“Nope,” He whispered in my ear, popping the ‘p’. His cool whisper made a tingle run down my spine. “I swear the moment you let me go I’m going to kick your ass!”

“Tsk, such violent words coming from my girlfriend.” The word girlfriend alone made me blush deeply. “D-don’t use that word.”

Currently I was sitting on his lap on the couch in his living room. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I walked over to him and sat on his lap like a lap dog.

He forced me.

Grabbed me by the waist and pulled my onto his waist then enveloped his arms around my body so that I couldn’t move anymore. He rested his chin on my children and I could feel his heart beat. Much to my surprise it was as fast as mine and that made me smile a little.

“What? Girlfriend? But you are my girlfriend.” I could hear the smirk in his voice. He was enjoying my humiliation. What a sadist. “Yeah, yeah. Don’t make me regret that choice.” I mumbled when I heard the door open.

“Jace, let me go! I swear to God I will bash your nose into your brains if you don’t let me go.” He held onto me for a second longer and then let me go, just in time because Tiffany walked into the living room, looking fashionable as ever.

Her hair pulled into a loose pony tail as she wore her sunglasses. So maybe it was February but there was definitely no sun yet here in New York.

“Hey guys, what are you doing?”

I smiled and straightened my clothes before running to the stair case and shouting “Nothing!”

With a soft bang I closed the door behind me and let out a shaky breath. Although Jace didn’t know, his touch alone made me shiver and blush. I ran my fingers through my hair as I walked over to my bed and saw something sticking out from under my pillow.

I pulled it from under my pillow and gasped when I saw it. It was the brown envelope with all the information I got from the Principal. I cursed under my breath. Shit! How could I forget that? This was the whole point why I came to New York.

I had forgotten all about it because I was now living with Jace and his family, went to his school and lived the typical teenage life. I had forgotten I had duties. I had forgotten that I wasn’t a typical teenage girl.

Immediately I took out my phone from my pocket and dialed the one number I remembered. Alba’s. “Hello?”

“Hi, it’s me.”

“Meridian! Why the hell didn’t you-“ The rest of the sentence has been censored for all the young readers out there who cannot hear this harsh language. It’s safe to say she was mad at me.

“Uhm, I’m sorry?”

“You better be! I haven’t heard from you for about a month now! You had me worried sick.” Alba shouted through the phone, making me pull away the phone from my ear. “I know, I’m sorry. Truly.” I said with a sigh. “I know this is selfish but I need you to do me a favor.”

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