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Hello Cookies!

I'll get down to the business.

As you might've noticed I have been very lazy and haven't uploaded almost any of my stories in a very long time. i sincerily apologize for that. I have no excuse. Except that I was in this HUGE writers block with all my stories, to the point I started to hate writing.

But now I'm back and I've been working on YAHFAL a lot! Re-writing and editing my chapters and also writing the finishing chapters. I still have a few more chapters to write and then YAHFAL if officialy finished wiht writing.

But because I re-wrote the story, to the point if became VERY different, I feel that my old readers will get confused. Therefore I ask you (plead you) to re-read the whole story. I personally think it's better re-written.

I'm sorry for changing it so much and making you confused so please forgive me for that.

I'll upload almost every week and that's a promise I don't intend to break.

Once again I'm sorry, please re-read and comment if you did!

Sorry and I will upload next week the next chapter. Get ready cause Meridian and Jace are coming back with a whole lot more of drama, suspense and maybe romance? ;)

Ex oh, ex oh


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