Chapter Four - Good Luck With That Plan

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"Meridian, please come to the principal's office." said a bored voice through the loudspeakers. Everyone around me 'ooh-ed' and whispered harshly about what I had done.

Seems like news travelled fast because it was only a few hours ago. It was only a few hours ago that I had gone rogue.

A few hours ago . . .

"I said enough!" I screamed and hit the middle-aged man in his face. He fell backward but caught himself by the black board. Everyone stopped doing what they were doing to stare at what was happening.

Murmurs filled the room as I huffed loudly. The teacher's eyes widened with disbelief as he pushed up his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Meridian, you insolent brat!" He yelled brutally at me and all the students took a step backwards, clearly afraid of this fat, middle-aged man's outburst. "I've heard rumors from other teachers that you have quite a mood but never did I think you were such scum!" He continued.

My eye twitched. "Even though you had a tough childhood doesn't mean that you can pretend like you own the school!" Yelled the teacher.

That did it.

All hell burst out.

One moment I was clenching my fists and restraining myself from punching him again and the next I had his neck between my two hands. I felt hands trying to pry me off of him but I didn't let go of his neck. In fact I tightened my grip. His round face turned red.

"Meridian stop!" Alba shouted.

I didn't.

The teacher made choking sounds. "Meridian!!"

I only looked up for a few seconds and in those seconds I found wide blue eyes staring at me intently, disbelief evident in them. Finally Alba managed to throw me off of the teacher. He gasped for air and held onto the ledge of the black board for support. A few students helped him up.

I shrugged off  Alba's hand that was on my shoulder and took a daring step towards the teacher. If it wasn't for those damn students blocking my way I would've blown his brains away with my gun.

Instead I looked him in the eye and glared with hatred.

"One more word about my childhood and I can garantee you that you'll be begging me to kill you." A clear shivver made it's way throughout his body.

I turned on my heel and felt everybody's stares. Instead of ignoring them like I always did, I yelled. "What are you looking at? Do I look like a fucking unicorn?!"

They looked away and I looked back at Alba. "Don't ever interfere with my fights again. I won't tell you a second time."

Alba tried her best to keep her face impassive but it was no use. I was trained to see right though people. Ever seen Lie To Me? Well I'm like Doctor Lightman. I can read all emotions.

I slammed the door behind me shut and ran to the training room, sensing deja-vu from three days ago when I went to training room and Jace followed.

This time would be different. If Jace followed me I'd literally kill him.

No doubt about it.

Because right now, I wasn't Meridian anymore.

I was a tortured soul who'd destroy anything her path.

Without hesitation.

Present time . . .

"So you choked him?" She repeated and I repeated my answer. "Yes."

A sigh escaped her lips as she leaned against her chair. "Meridian, he crossed the line by saying what he said but you crossed the line too. I can't keep covering up for you. You've had this outbursts too many times now. People will start to wonder why I haven't expelled you yet."

I nodded, understanding her completely. "I'm sorry Jayma. It won't happen again. I just . . ." I stopped midsentence. How could I explain in words how I felt right now? It was impossible.

Simple words could not explain how I felt about my childhood. With my heda hung down I bit my lip. Jayma, the principal, had been like a parent to me. She took care of me ever since I was fifteen. We were practically family. I didn't want to bring her trouble or harm. Not after all she's done for me.

She sighed again. "He wasn't a good teacher anyway. If you asked me, I'd have done the same thing." I snapped my head up to look at her and I saw her smiling slightly.

"I'm really sorry Jayma! I really am." Jayma patted my head and laughed.

"Honestly, what should I do with you. Well, this case is closed. Go back to your dorm, lights are going to go off in a few minutes."

I nodded and smiled. "Thanks." I managed to whisper before closing the door gently behind me.

As always, the corridors were empty. I walked towards my dorm when all of a sudden I felt someone behind me.

As natural reaction I pulled out my gun and turned on my heel with lightning speed. I pointed the gun at whoever was behind me and pulled down the hammer.

Two hands shot up in the air, as if he were surrerending himself to the police.

"Whoa, easy tiger. No need to get all worked up."

I sighed heavily and lowered my gun. "What are you doing here, Jace?"

A smirk placed on his lips as he walked towards. "Aren't you glad to see me. You were in a better mood Monday."

While placing my gun back in it's sheath I started to walk again. "I'm not in a very jolly mood today."

A snort. "Obviously, poor Mr Piggy was attacked."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I don't feel very sorry for him. He could burn in hell for all I care."

A whistle. "Such harsh words from such a cute girl. What did he say to get you so angry?" He pried, obviously curious. "My Jace, are you just curious or are you actually caring about me?"

Putting hand to my heart, I made my voice velvety and sweet. To the point it because sticky.

"You know me, Meridian. I don't do feelings." Jace winked at me and I smiled. "Good, then we're on the same page?"

"Really? because judging by what I swa today, you do have feelings."

My smiled dissappeared as I kept my face as neutral as possible. "That was an exception."

There, I thought. Case closed. But then I opened my mouth again and ruined everything. "He deserved it."

"How so?"

I stopped and he mimicked me. We were alone in a dark corridor, staring intently at each other, as if we were in a staring contest. "I only know you for, what? Two weeks? Stop asking so many questions, Cross. I don't intent on becoming friends with you."

He smirked. And when he smirked he looked ever so hot. "C'mon Meridian. We know each other! I'm sure we'd become good friends . . . maybe even more." Jace added the last part with a seductive whisper.

"You know my name," I said, my voice filled with irritation. But there was a cold and razor sharp edge to it. Warning him that he was walking on thin ice. "and that's all I plan to let you know. You'll never know me, you'll never know my life story. Just my name."

There was a big silence. My eyes boring into his. However, Jace didn't flinch away like most people did after meeting my killed gaze. He simpled stared back and smiled. "Well," His voice laced with seduction.

"It's good that I don't intend to help you with that plan then."

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