Chapter 23 Kiss and Tell

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"You're good." I drop the plate gently into the sink, walk over to the couch, and sit down right beside him.

"I know, right, so what do the letters stand for?" Luka turns around.

I then clasp the pendant between my fingers, and hold it up to make it easier for him to see it. I let out a slight sigh. "Sophie Jane, that's my full name, Sophie Jane Smith Peterson." I look down at the pendant.

"Sophie Jane. Wow, that's pretty. How did you get a name like that?" Luka asks, with a smile on his face.

"Well, the story goes that when I was born my parents couldn't decide what they wanted to name me. They knew I was a girl right from the start, so they had a whole list full of girl names. My mother wanted to name me Sophie, and my dad wanted to name me Jane. Then, when they couldn't decide which one to go with, it was my brother Daniel who suggested that they combine the two. And that's what they did, though I was always Sophie to everyone around me."

"How come I've never seen you wear it before? It looks great on you."

"That's because I only wear it on this day, because It's my mom's birthday. My mom gave me this when I turned eight. When I pulled it out of the box she became so happy that I started wearing it almost everyday, just so I could see her face light up. But when she passed away, the thought of wearing it every day became too sad for me, but I always wear it on her birthday to make her smile. Oh, and in case you ask, I hated those months when it was just my father running the house."

"What, did he abuse you too or something?" Luka asks, arching one of his eyebrows.

I shake my head, "No, no, it wasn't like that. My dad was a good father to all three of us, but he believed that all Alphas should be male and that the highest ranking that a female could get was Beta, but my mother thought differently. She knew I had the Alpha gene from the beginning, so every day after I shifted when my dad was at work, she'd sneak me out and teach me how to use my instincts. I was almost done with my training when my mom died, and since I already knew my dad wouldn't take over, it was my uncle that had to teach me the rest."

"Oh, well at least you became the Alpha, and proved him wrong." Luka smiles.

"Yea, well it wasn't that simple, Luka," I say, looking towards him with my head lowered slightly.

"What do you mean?" asks Luka, arching one of his eyebrows again.

"Proving myself to my fellow pack members was one thing, but learning how to become the Alpha that was another matter entirely. My dad spent all of his free time grooming my brothers for the role of the Alpha because they were next in line, but then when they all died and I got the job, and I felt like a, like a..." I trail off, unable to find the right words to say.

"Like a blind wolf," Luka interjects.

"Like a blind wolf in outer-space."

Luka chuckles slightly, "So anyway, who taught you how to become an Alpha?" he then asks.

"Ace Summers," I reply with a sigh. I've already told Luka about me dating Ace. He got upset at first, but after I told him it was over between us, he relaxed. "Yea, Ace taught me everything I know. He taught me how to give orders out correctly, how to do my paperwork, though I kind of wished he'd left that part out, and he also taught me lots of other stuff."

"Why did Ace dump you?" Asks Luka.

"He didn't dump me, I dumped him. After my aunt and Shelby took you back for those X-rays on the day we first met, I dumped Ace. He got mad at me, then a few words were said back and forth, then he made our packs enemies and stormed out of the room."

"Why would you do that? He's an Alpha and I'm an Omega. It's obvious that Ace has the better genes. Sophie, don't you want what's best for your pack? Why don't you just reject me and go back to him?" Luka lowers his head.

"Because I don't care about genes, okay? I don't care what strand of DNA you have. Luka, I told you this on the day we first met. I will never reject you, ever. Luka, I love you. I love you for who you are, not what you were, so to me you are what's best for this pack our pack." I lower my head myself.

Luka scoots a little closer towards me. I feel him put his hands under my chin and gently raise it up, so that my green eyes are making contact with his dark brown ones, "You know what, Sophie Jane? I love you too." Luka brings my face towards him, and presses his lips to mine.

A warm heat slowly starts to work its way through my body, blood rushing to my face making me blush. Luka's lips feel like pure silk as they run gently and softly up against mine. My hands, still trying to recover from the shock of it all, shake vigorously at my side. Slowly, I guide my hands to Luka's shoulders and hold on, and the shaking subsides slightly. Even though my skin is hot, goosebumps appear on my arms as Luka goes from my chin towards the top of my head. By the time Luka gets to run his hands through my blond hair, my heart's beating so fast I feel like it's about ready to pop out of my chest and dance around the living room. My lungs are burning for more oxygen, desperately begging me to take a breath.

A few seconds later, we finally break apart. I'm panting. Luka's significantly less puffed than I am.

"Wow. That... was... amazing." Luka looks me in the eye, and sees that I want more. As I slowly lean in towards him, he stops me. "Wait, Sophie. I'm not ready to be marked yet, so we'll have to take this slow, okay?"

I just smile at him and gently push him onto his back.

"I love slow."


That was chapter 23, so you guys finally got the kissing scene you guys wanted, so what did you think, tell us in the comments below.  

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