Chapter 16 Den House

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Previously, on His alpha her omega 

"That sounds nice. I'd love to go." Elliot hops off the couch, Luka just nods. As he scooches to the edge of the couch, Elliot walks over and holds his hands out. "It's okay. Come on, I'll help you down. It's alright, you can trust me," he says calmly as Luka looks up at him. Luka smiles and lets Elliot pull him off the couch and onto his feet.

"Good. Well, now that we've got that taken care of, hello. My name's Elliot Deleon Vizzuno and it's nice to meet you." Elliot holds his hand out for Luka to shake. Luka smiles back.

"I'm Luka. And it's nice to meet you as well," He shakes Elliot's outstretched hand. As I watch, I can't help but think that Luka just made a best friend for life.


We spent the rest of the night at Pizza Hut. Originally, it was just going to be the three of us; Luka, Elliot and I, of course. But the moment we walk through the door, we saw Quinn, Faya, Maloney, and Eden, so we decided to make it a party of seven. We picked out our table and got our drinks. I got Mountain Dew, Elliot got Pepsi, and Luka got the Fruit Punch. I wasn't looking at what the others got. Then afterwards, a blond haired, blue eyed waitress who my dad would describe as an Air-Head walked up to the table to take our order.

I tried not to look too stunned when she started flirting a bit with Quinn. Sitting across from him, Faya looked like she was going to start spitting daggers at her. I turned back towards the waitress and placed our orders in, before there was a murder. When she was done, I turned towards Faya. "Faya, remember what you were taught when you were a pup. When in a human environment, you must blend in and hide your Animal side. Or the secret could get out."

"I know, it's just hard when someone else is flirting with my mate. It just makes me want to shift and tear a chunk out of them, you know."

I nodded my head, "I know, Faya. Just do what I do when a human ticks me off. Take in a deep breath and let it out, bite your lip or the inside of your cheek. You won't go wrong."

A little while after that our order came out. Two meat lovers, two stuffed crusts, and a supersized order of bread-sticks. By the time we were finished, almost all of it was gone and all around me there were six werewolves holding and groaning in contentment at their full stomachs, especially Luka. As both our parties were walking out I mentioned to Luka that Maloney was the one that gave him his green bathrobe. Luka responded by wrapping his arms around her neck and thanking her. I felt the urge to growl. I resisted. I heard Eden growl under his breath as well, but one warning look from me shut him up. After Luka and Maloney had separated we parted ways.

We walked over to my silver 2015 Porsche Panamera, which was parked on the other side of the parking lot. Since we're in a human filled town, we have to blend in, which is the main reason we took the car instead of our wolf forms. Plus, there's the fact that my car is totally awesome. I have to take advantage of any chance to take it out. We piled into the car. Luka sat in the passenger seat next to me, while Elliot set in the back seat. I got in the driver seat and started the engine, while Luka buckled himself in and felt the soft leather interior around him. I pulled out of the parking lot.

On the ride home, Elliot asked if he could spend the night at the pack house because the others teased and made fun of him. I could tell this really hit home for Luka, so I agreed. Luka and Elliot were quickly becoming friends. You could tell they had a lot in common by the way they talked to each other all throughout dinner. They were both Omegas, they both loved the outdoors, and they both were beaten pretty badly at their packs. Pretty much the only difference is Elliot at least had food and a house to live in, Luka never had any of that stuff.

His alpha her Omega (Book 1 of the His Alpha Her Omega Series)Where stories live. Discover now