04. Bar Room Fights

Start from the beginning

"You what?" Ray asked fear emanating from his voice

"A hybrid Ray, I'm both," Klaus told him matter of factually, "You see I want to create more of me. Now you being the first werewolf that I've come across in many a moon, pun intended Ray! I need you to direct me to your pack. So, where can I find them Ray?"

"You can't compel me, it won't work," he fired back.   

Stefan scratched the back of his head wanting this to be over and for Ray to cooperate. "Can you bring out the darts please?" Stefan asked the bartender. He Then turned to Ray, "Tell you what Ray, We're gonna play a little drinking game, something I like to call truth or wolfsbane." He pulled out a pouch of wolfsbane, and poured it in his hand, crushing it with his fingers.

Klaus smirked, "Oh, this is gonna be fun Ray."


Ray was chained the wall, darts in his body, and in an obvious amount of pain. Stefan was sitting at the table across from the wall, stirring a glass with wolfsbane in it. He took it out and threw it at him, it hit him and Ray screamed out in pain. Klaus and Ragna sat beside him watching, Ragna flinching whenever Ray cried out in pain. Everyone else in bar continued on like nothing unusual was happening.

"Ray, you can end this right now," Klaus said, "Just tell me where your pack gathers for the full moon."Ray struggled, " I can't.""I know, I know," Klaus sighed, "You live by code and all that, but see he's not gonna let me stop until you tell me. And I do whatever he says so, that's the way it goes around here."

A women walked over to Klaus and bent down so she was ear shot, "Hello mister Klaus. I have some more information for you." Stefan walked over so he to could hear, "You told me to tell you if I saw anything," she said, "I saw the guys spotted Damon at the farm house."

"Well, thank you Claudine," Klaus thanked, "You'll just tell your friends to keep up the good work or they're gonna watch her."

"My brother still on our trail?" Stefan asked.

"He's getting closer, I'm gonna have to deal with that," Klaus said.Stefan grabbed his arm, "No, no, no! Let me handle it."

"Why should I let you leave?" Klaus asked.

"You shouldn't," Ragna mumbled, "But you won't listen to me."

"Cause, you'll know I'll come back," Stefan said

"Do I?" Klaus asked looking down at Ragna.

"You saved my brother's life; I'm at your service," Stefan said.

"Ah, you sound so tedious and indentured," Klaus mused, "Aren't you even having the least bit of fun?"

"I'll make sure that my brother doesn't bother us any more," Stefan said walking away .

"You shouldn't have of done that," Ragna said.

"You don't trust him?" Klaus asked.

"No, I think he hiding something from us."


Ray was now laying on his back on a pool table. Ragna moved to the wall, looking at all the pictures from different decades on the wall, admiring all the different styles and culture in each photograph. A lot has changed in 2,000 years.

"Okay, it's a three step process, Ray," Klaus said, "This is step one. I want you to drink from my wrist."

"I already told you where to find the pack," Ray said, " What more do you want from me?"

"Have you been listening to a word I've been saying, Ray?" Klaus asked, "I have great plans for you." Klaus cut his wrist and forced Ray to drink his blood. "You'll thank me for it later, huh. There we go, attaboy!"

Stefan walked into the bar, going straight to Klaus, "What are you going to do now?"

Ragna had to admit, she was surprised to see him back

"It's time for step two, Ray," Klaus said before twisting his neck, killing him.

Stefan watched on unemotionally. Ragna flinched and decided not to look. Even after being with Klaus all this time she was sill not use to the killings.

"You're back."

"Did you doubt me?" Stefan asked.

"Not for a second," Klaus said looking at the back of Ragna, "I knew you'd pass the test. You still care for your brother, for your old life."

Stefan shrugged, "Nah, I don't care about anything anymore."

"You put on a good show Stefan. I almost believe you. Let's hope, for your brother's sake," Klaus said, "You never stop caring about family, do you? But, every time you feed, the blood makes it easier to let go."


I know, it's been a very long time since I've updated anything, but here it is! Not my favorite but, this whole part in the season I don't really like.

Vote, comment, enjoy.


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