[ IV ] Unexpected

68 6 0


Saturday / Dec 13th 2015
11 : 00 am

"Oh, hi ! You come so early. What a surprise." Seojin eyed followed the guy as he walked to her.

The guy came with sweats all over his forehead and his arms. His both hands stick to the waist.

Wore hoodie, plain shirt, and jumper all in black. And a black adidas backpack hung over his shoulders.

Then he took off his navy blue cap and brushed his messy blonde-brownish hair with his hand.

'He must be loves black.' Thought Seojin still watched him with her hand hanged, held an ice cream scoop. Ready to scoop some blueberry vanilla.

"Its Minghao." He said with grinned and sighed.

"Y- yes?" Seojin head moved forward a little bit.

"Its my name. It will nice if you put my name after the 'hi'." Minghao said while putting back his hat.

'Its a chinese name. Is he chinese?' Seojin thought. She moved her head back slowly and nodded.

"How about you?" He said cheerfully.

"E-eh? Me?" She blinked a couple times blankly.

"Yeah, what should i call you?"

"Seojin. Mine is Seojin." Seojin smile awkwardly at him.

"Hi Seojin." He smiled back.

"Hi Minghao. Uh- i mean- im so sorry for yesterday. I cant stop thinking of it. I will keep my promise. So, Minghao, a free ice cream today and how about a free waffle too? Have you breakfast yet?" Seojin continued.

He chuckled at her. Seojin looked him with wrinkled eyebrows, confused.

"Im already forgive you. I think a waffle will be a nice breakfast. Just stop thinking about yesterday okay?" Minghao walked to table number 2 which is near the windows and pulled a chair to sit.

Seojin wrote the order on a paper and stick it to the kitchen table.

"One vanilla blueberry ice cream with a crispy waffle. Got it." Mumbled Seungyeon then he put the waffle quickly at the pan.

He stop his action and lifted his eyebrows.

"Ya ! Seojin ! How about the drink?" He said out loud followed by the sound of burning waffle.

Seojin immediately opened the cashier table-door and ran to table number 2. Stood beside it with a big smile.

Minghao looked up then looked into her in the eyes. An asking code is in it.

"So, what would you like to drink?"  A hand ready to write something in a piece of paper with a pen.

Minghao changed the looked from Seojin eyes to the view across his table. His jaw stand between his both hands. He seemed think hard.

"Ah! Of course. The menu. Hold on a second." Seojin ran again to the cashier table and grab a thin menu book.

"Here's the menu. Sorry." She gave the menu to him.

"Thanks." He then flipped the menu to find the drink list.

"One chocolate milkshake please." He gave back the menu to her.

Seojin hold the menu beetwen his left hand and wrote the order down.

"It wont be long." She gave a quick bowed and smiled then walked again to stick the paper to the kitchen table.

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