Chapter 2: Honey I am home

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Sorry this is kind of a long chapter. It is worth it in the end I promise!


Avery's POV

I step out of the cab, handing him my fee's and stare at my childhood home as he pulls away. It is a large brick stone thin building with many floors. A vintage town house with beautiful carving details. 

I drag my bags up the many steps, all the while my ankle killing me. I set them down with a sigh and a thud. I ring the doorbell and step back down by my bags. Shuffling behind the door is quick, and the person behind the door is a tall man with auburn hair and prominent muscles. He stares back at me in shock and a small smile started to engulf his face. 

"Avery! What the hell are you doing home?" He sweeps me off my feet and spins me around. He sets me down and I wince, "Hey be carful! I sprained my ankle at the airport. Some guy ran into me." Adam, my brother, laughs, "Oh toughen up your fine. You're the hot shot doctor." 

"I am not a doctor yet." I shove him, "Hey take my bags inside." 

"Why can't you do it?" 

"Two reasons. One, you are a lot stronger than me. And two, my ankle hurts like hell. It won't benefit either of us to stand here all day and argue so just hurry up please." 

Adam grumbles and picks up the bags and carries them inside and sets them by the dinner table. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck, "Thank you Adam." And I plant a kiss on his cheek, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He grumbles and then chuckles. 

"Adam who are you taking to," a familiar female voice starts to grow closer and closer from the top of the stairs, "It sounds like---" I see my mother, Cara, stop dead in her tracks once she sees me. Her dark brown hair matches mine. She stares at me for a few more moments, and then flies down the stares and embraces me in a ginormous bear hug and starts crying, "What... are... you... doing... home..." She says in between hiccuping cries, pulling away from me to stare at my face.

"I didn't have any internships or anything this year. Plus I haven't seen you since my college graduation. I wanted to see you. All of you," I look at Adam who is blushing, " Besides where is dad any way?" I say and Adam shakes his head, "He should be coming home any minute from work." Like that right on cue locks franticly unlock and in steps my father, his height matching my brothers, and his light green eyes matching mine. 

"Hi Daddy." I smile and wrap my arms around him. He stares at me his eyes filled with happiness and fear, hug me back tightly. His suit was well pressed but he looked like a mess. 

"Derek," My mother stares at him, "Whats wrong." He shakes his head and sighs before plastering a smile to his face, "It can wait," he stares at me lovingly, drinking me up like I am going to disappear any second, "First I want to talk with my daughter who I haven't seen in twovyears." He hugs me and we go to the couch in the living room to talk about school and catch up. A few hours later dinner is ready and we are all sitting at the table. As Im digging into my potatoes my father sets down his fork and knife and shakes violently. 

"Dad are you ok?" I ask him but he can't look at me. He stares at his fork before glancing at me. I can see tears streaming down his face. 

"I did something horrible," he says and looks at my mother who has a worried look matching mine. He than looks at my brother who's features ares as set as stone, "Whats going on Dad. Please tell me. You're scaring me." I reach for his hand and he grasps it tightly and starts laughing like he knows some sick joke that I don't, "You should be scared," He takes a raggedy deep breath and sighs, " I did something. But you have to hear me out ok? You have to hear me out first." He says and I nod, "Of course Dad what happened?" 

"Well you know how I work for Matthews Inc.?" I nod, "Well I do work for them. But its more that just that. They are a gang. They are a cocaine gang. I am their drop-off man. I work for some very bad people. And I trade with some very bad people. I was making a drop today. And somethings went bad. I made the drop and when I looked at the other gangs duffel of money it was empty. Filled with paper in the shape and size of dollar bills. Before I could say anything they shot my body guards and told me to deliver a message to my boss. When I did I told Matthews, Jared Matthews the leader of the gang, he said I could either pay him the money or he would kill all of you," Dad looked down at his hands and sighed,

"I told him I didn't have the money, but I could repay him another way. I told him I have a daughter. I told him I have you, Avery," He took a raggedy breath and started crying, "I told him if he spared our family that he could have you. For a price. $500,000,000. And he said yes." 

I stared at him in shock and pulled my hand away from his. I looked my mother. She had a shocked expression on her face but it was also filled with knowledge, "Mom, "I said, "Did you know about this?" 

"I knew about what your father did for a living. So does Adam. He is going through training to be in the gang too. Your fathers father was in the gang when Jared's father was still running it before he died. But I didn't know that your father did this." 

I stare at Adam accusingly. I stare at them all in shock, "How could you not tell me? I should've had the right to know," 

"We knew how much you wanted to be a doctor. We thought that if you knew you would feel obligated to join the 'family profession'" My father said and started shaking again. I couldn't help but feel bad for him. I would've sacrificed myself to keep them safe. I grasp his hand and kiss it, "It's ok Dad. We will figure something out. Will I still be able to see you? Visit you?" 

He starts crying harder and shakes his head. I stare dumbfounded. The tears in my eyes starting to roll down my cheek as my mother starts to cry as well. I won't be able to see my family ever again. Not ever. 

"It ok," I say, "I might be able to work something out." My father shook his head, "Jared Matthews is a very dangerous man. You need to keep on his good side. This is why I am giving you this," He pulls out a black semi-automatic from his waistband, and some ammunition from his pockets, "Do you remember when  we went to the range to practice your shot? Remember how good you were?" I nod, "You get that from me and Adam. Your mom is a pretty good shot too," he glances over to my mom and smiles, "Use it if ever need to." 

I nod and take the gun, "When is he coming for me?" 

"Tomorrow morning." 

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