Chapter Forty-Eight

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Jess P.O.V

Am sitting in my bed doing my homework peacefully. Little did I know that was about to change.

I heard my mom and dad yelling at each other. I got and walk downstairs to see why they are yelling.

"That is not our daughter probelm she's not pregnant now is she! I heard my dad say and I ran downstairs.

"Why are you guy's yelling? I asked form the bottom of the stairs.

"Jess it's not important hunny go finish your homework. My mom said but my dad cleared his throat.

"Anna mom just called she said that Anna is pregnant is that true? He asked and I nod.

"Jessica you are not to talk to that girl again or else. I raise my eyebrow.

"Or else what? I asked my dad. "Or else I'll kick you out of the house. He said bluntly as I stared at him wide eyed.

Am sorry this is so short I have alot of work to do and am extremely tired I'll update soon!

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