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Just to clarify, this does follow the events in the movie, so Kylo does get defeated! We've made it! Thank you so much to every single person who has read this and commented and reviewed! I am grateful because you guys kept me writing! It means so much! Anyway, if this is popular enough, I'll write a sequel to this! Please comment and vote! Thanks everyone!

Some people say that light and darkness are eternal. They are two opposing forces, ever colliding, ever changing and you cannot have one without the other anymore than you can have day without night. But Fayne doesn't believe that. That's a selfish heart talking, because everyone knows that it is by the light, and the light alone, that life's greatest treasures are revealed.
And there is so much light in this place. At first she was gliding among the heavens. And she could see the whole Galaxy. The deep green, lush fields and the rushing brooks of Naboo, the parched brown dessert of Tatooine, trillions of souls and it was if their life force rushed through only her. Then she came down.
She could smell the soft scent of lavender, a warm wind brushes along her arms. Tall golden sheafs of corn, water so clear it is like liquid crystals. The woods lie out ahead, the trees dancing innocently in the summer air. An entire world just waiting to be explored.
A memory stirs. A memory not long buried. Now emerging. This was the field. The place where she said they would meet again. Her . . . and Elle? Is she dead? Is she finally here? Has she run the race to the finish?
"You're still alive."
A tear washes down her face as she turns. Elle. Dear Elle. Not sickly Elle,the poor soul who lay with tears in her eyes and a ghostly paleness, a prisoner of her sorrow, a shadow of her former self. This is Elle, as Fayne remembers her. As she always deserved to be. Tall and proud, with her beautiful white facial pigments, and her bright stormy eyes and her long graceful head tails. Elle. Elle is gone. So why . . .
"You're dreaming my friend."
Elle takes her hand and Fayne gasps as she watches it sadly. So real. She can feel the roughness of the Palm, the connection of two souls as they lock eyes. So real. As if she is still there.
"I miss you," Fayne whispers. "I'm not the same person anymore . . ."
"And that is good!" Elle smiles, touching her cheek reassuringly. "You have a long road ahead. A difficult road. You had to change, you had to be stronger. My life is such a small price to pay for that!"
"Not to me," Fayne counters. "Not to me. I feel bare, I feel lost! And now I'm about to lose everything!"
"You've become better Fayne," Elle says. Now even her beautiful eyes look sad and downcast. "You were so in love with him, you lived every day for him. It was like you weren't whole. This is special, because it means that now, you can be whole."
She touches a finger to Fayne's heart and it as if the beating of that powerful muscle is singing through the field. "Your heart. Your soul. Your life. Not his. Not anymore. You have a child to take care of Fayne. You have a life to live! You can have what I never could!"
And then she hugs Fayne. And something magical happens. Fayne doesn't cry. Because she is not fragile anymore. Not a little doll with Ben Solo pulling her strings. She made the choice. And she grips her friends arms, savouring every sensation, she realises . . . Elle is right. Fayne can choose to be whole again, to stand on her own two feet. A chapter in Fayne Dae's story is over. But that was just the prologue. Now the real adventure begins.
"You're waking up," Elle sighs, resting her small head on Fayne's. The sun is dimming, the night is falling, the scene is fading. Memories. Of Elle. And the past which gave her the might with which to face the future.
"I love you Elle," Fayne breathes. "I want you back. I want you to see what is coming, I wanted you to share my laughter with me and my tears and my life! Now you never will!"
"But I'm free now Fayne." Elle pulls back and wipes a stray tear from her friends pale face. Her eyes are so gentle, so pleading. Don't look back. Don't let your agony overshadow your excitement. "I'm not in pain anymore! I lived of my life, what I could. Now it's your turn. Promise me you won't waste it!"
Floating. Starting to rise. Out of this dream world. Out of this paradise.
"I promise."
Fayne Dae wakes up.

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