November 20th..

"Ugh! This f*cking car needs to go faster!" I groaned.

October honked and Rosie laughed. Sammi agreed with me, "We have amazing men waiting at the airport, we need to hurry!"

October went illegally around the slow mother f*cker and we got to the airport in no time. We waited out where all people that get off the planes come out. CC texted, "Just landed. We shall be out there in about ten minutes, lovely. I will be looking for your beautiful face. <3"

I didn't respond, I just wanted to see him right now. We sat, huddled in our group. Then, of course, October decided it was funny to stand on some random man's suitcase, since it was huge and stiff and able to hold her up. The man wasn't near his suitcase, so it's not like he cared.

Then I saw a tall guy with black spikey hair. I stood there to see how long it would take one of them to notice us. October got off of the man's suitcase and stood by us three girls. Then Jinxx ran over and glomped Sammi. Then it took the other guys another minute until they realized where we were. Andy ran to October and picked her up and spun her around. Ash hugged Rosie tight to him and kissed her. Jake ran over and yelled, "Group hug!" They all hugged him. I looked at CC, who was just now walking out. He saw me and ran to me, then picked me up and hugged me super tight.

I grinned and hugged him tight. He let me down and kissed me, one of our really passionate kisses, my fingers running through his hair and his arms around my waist. When we let go, we were smiling like crazy.

"I missed you!" I yelled.

"I MISSED YOU MORE!" He yelled back.

I laughed, "I love you. I missed you so much. So did Katya."

He grinned and rubbed my stomach, "Oh and when is she due?"

"Let's go get your guys' bags and then I'll tell you."

He pouted then smiled, "Alright!"

We all decided to make people have to wait behind us like they do to us, so we all held each other's hands and walked to the baggage claim. Some people did get annoyed. We found it funny. While we waited for the baggage claim carousel thing to start up, Andy put October up on his shoulders and she started hitting random signs. Their bags were the first eight bags out.  We got back out to our car. Since the car only seated five, which wasn't smart, we piled onto each other: me on CC's lap in the back seat, October on Andy's next to us, Sammi on Jinxx's next to them, and Rosie on Ash's in the front as Jake drived.

We made it home without being caught, dropping everyone else off that their place before we came back to our place, me, CC, October, and Andy. They went in their apartment for their alone time, and we went into our apartment for ours.

CC locked the door then turned to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, "You didn't tell me you would look this beautiful when I came home."

I laughed. I did try to look beautiful when I saw him today, no makeup and my hair was natural, wavy, and I wore a black high waisted maternity skirt and white tank top under it. I wore my black vans yet again, and hey, I tried, but it obviously worked. All natural look was a turn on for him.

It wasn't late, but we wanted to catch up on things he missed, as well as what happened in Europe.

"So, you didn't tell me when the baby is due, love," he said, smiling.

I smiled, "Guess."

"I can't," he chuckled.

"Your birthday, love."

His eyes widened and he grinned, "Are you serious?!"

"Naw, love, I'm saying that so you can piss your pants," I giggled, "Just joking. But yes, she is going to be born on your birthday."

Married to a Rockstar. Sequel to Girlfriend of a Rockstar.Where stories live. Discover now