Chapter 40: We Fight Fear... Again

Start from the beginning

"Guys, use your Keyblades. Then finish with Ice or Fire or Thunder." Steven ordered.

"But they're not as pow—" Max began.

"I can't do it as pow­—" I began.

"Just do it! Danny, use the spells twice since you specialize in earth magic." Steven exclaimed. Great. This is probably the first time I wish I didn't specialize in the earth element.

"Slow and steady wins the race." I heard Johnny say optimistically from somewhere to my left.

"Not always." Max muttered.

'FSSH!' I sliced through a Nightmare and was greeted by the sight of Crystal and Jack dueling Pitch and the Knight of Fear... or was it the Knight of Misery? Honestly, I can't tell the difference between the two knights.

The two pairs were twirling around in a dangerous dance, exchanging positions and switching opponents every once in a while. As I ducked to avoid Johnny's fire blast, I heard Crystal exclaim, "Prohibere, Metus! Non ius!" According to my D-Morpher, that meant "Stop, Fear! It isn't right!"

'SPASH!' A shower of black icicles rained down on us. Probably a result of Pitch and Jack's usual power blasts making a head-on collision.

"You're not going to win as easily as last time, Frost." Pitch taunted.

"Oh yeah? Too bad, 'cause you're still gonna lose as easily as last time." Jack retorted as he wiped his forehead. Wait, wiped his forehead?!

-BEEP- 'Current temperature: Thirty-three degrees Celsius.' A computer-like voice announced from my D-Morpher. Oh, great. Before Pitch appeared, it had been only twenty-eight degrees Celsius. The realm's heating up fast. We need to get this separation over and done with, now.

An angry neighing sound snapped me out of my thoughts. The last four Nightmares I had sliced had fully reformed. I really need to work on my ice and fire spells.

"A little help, guys?" I yelled out, putting up a stone wall between me and the sand creatures as they launched towards me.

'KSH! PSH!' A blue light flashed and I heard the sound of the horses freezing over. I brought the wall down immediately. "Thanks, I— Elsa? What are you doing here?"

"I can't just stand by doing nothing!" The snow queen said, hitting another Nightmare. "Besides, Jac agreed!"

"Frost?" I exclaimed, ducking and slashing at a horse leg. "Getting an okay from him is no okay at all! He's—"

"Not that Jack." Elsa said, saving Tooth from a Nightmare. "I meant Johanna!"

"J-Johanna? Don't tell me she's also—" A high-pitched scream came from somewhere to my left. I would've guessed it was Hailow if not for the, uh, girliness. A couple of Nightmares in front of me suddenly dispersed. I counted to ten and... no way. The Nightmares didn't reform!

"Sonic screams." I turned to see Johanna grinning smugly with her arms crossed. "Quite deadly, if I do say so myself. See? I don't need protection!"

Not waiting for a reply, she ran off, screaming her lungs out. Elsa had the nerve to laugh. "She's a spirited girl. Reminds me of Anna in a way."

"Great, just what the world needed. Another Anna." I muttered, firing rocks at several Nightmares. "Wait, Anna's not fighting too, is she?"

"I made her stay with Sandy. He'll keep her safe." Elsa said before running off to help Clam.

"Whoa!" I heard Crystal exclaim before she let loose a scream of her own. I turned to see the Knight of Fear raising his sword and shield in triumph. Crystal lay in a daze on her back, twenty feet away.

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