The shitty morning

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You woke up rather late. It was about 9:00 in the morning which wasn't the time you'd sleep in till. Since you were off school today at the university in (what ever your dreamed major is). So you have nothing to do, you looked down at your dog poppy who was an English bulldog and the sweetest dog ever. She was still sleeping, she sleeps a lot not very surprising.
Deciding you'd go the park out of Shere boredom you got into your car and drove halfway to the park until it made I spluttering noise. I pulled over so i didn't cause a traffic jam and my car went caplute. (Not a real word XD) "no no no"  you pleaded to your car so you decided to walk you took a turn into a neighborhood and realized you didn't know where you were.
Great I got my self lost. Good going (y/n). You decided to just keep walking when it started to rain rather heavily are you shitting me right now you thought to your self. Suddenly you felt arms wrap around your waist, your anger suddenly melted into fear. You spun around to see your ex boyfriend Nathan and his fuckin army of goons
"Oh great... What do you want" I snarled trying to sound tough while hiding your fear. Nathan pulled you in close and tried to kiss you and you just Cole cocked him in the gut nocking him over. You spin around and ran as fast as you could in the opposite direction of the rest. Shit shit shit
As you were running you saw a sign that said dead end indicating that if you didn't do something soon you would be cornered. You turned your and made a hard right through a front yard hopped a fence landing your ass on the other side. You got not looking where you were running and crashed into someone.
You both landed on the ground you on top of them. "Oh boobs, boobs, boobies in my face." An Irish accent came from underneath you and you blushed a deep red and got up looking around to see several confused men. You were about to say something when the fence you parcored (can't spell XD) over suddenly crashed open.
Realizing how you just drug a hole bunch of people into this fight you felt like shit. "Fucking bitch your gonna pay" one said storming over to you grabbing your firmly until it hurt. He pulled you up making it feel like he was gonna wrench your arm out of its socket in the process. He nailed you one right in the face, the hit was hard to take and it really fuckin. Hurt.

Jacks perspective
While me mark Wade Bob and a few other guys I forgot their names were playing nerf ball in the front yard manly because it was raining and muddy. I was about to catch the ball when I see something out the corner of my eye and suddenly I was on the floor with a rack of large boobs in my face. "Oh boobs, boobs, boobies in ma face" I exclaimed. She stood up off of me and was a bright red. She's kinda cute I thought to my self. My thoughts were interrupted by the fence bursting open. And in came a group of guys who looked pissed.
Was she running from these people. I thought to my self again I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I Hurd the girl shriek as one of the men grabbed her arm and yanked her up. With out thinking I got up ripped his hand from her and pulled her closer to me.

Hehe you'll have to excuse my poor spelling, I'll think of a word that fits perfectly with the sentence and I go to type it and I'm like "FUCK HOW DO I SPELL THAT" it's annoying so I think of one that's a little easier to spell but even then I fail obviously XD

Thanks for reading my first chapter. Enjoy

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