-Sasuke's dream-

Sasuke found himself in a Pure White area. No ground, no sky. Nothing but endless white. "Where am I?"

Summoner of the Dragon Clan. You bear the The 3 Elements of the Tri-Element Blast.

"Who are you? And what do you mean?"

Do not ask me any questions, for they will not be answered by me. Find the Blade of Prophecy. It will speak of your prophecy, should you be able to use it. Do not be afraid of it. If you see it, you will know it. The last one to have it was a Namikaze. Find it, and if it allows it, use it. No one but he who wields the 3 Elements can use it.

"Namikaze... Naruto should know what it is." Sasuke said.

Beware of the taint hatred brings. Nothing good ever comes of it. Farewell, summoner.

Sasuke then found himself having one of his usual dreams.

-a few hours later, same area-

Sasuke, Naruto, and Hinata woke up to find Jiraiya and Kakashi sitting in front of them talking. Sasuke was the first to speak. "Where were you two?"

"Meeting." Jiraiya stated.

"Can't say." Kakashi replied.

"I think I know where you were, Kakashi-sensei." Naruto added, before turning his head to Jiraiya. "You mind releasing the Seal now? I finished the Waterfall Climbing exercise before I passed out."

Jiraiya then got up and walked over to him. Naruto made the Reaper Death Seal appear, and Jiraiya released the Five-Pronged Seal. Naruto then nodded his thanks.

"Try it out, and see how easy it is for you." Jiraiya stated, pointing at the Waterfall. Naruto just walked up it like it was child's play. "This is easy." He then tried to sit down on it. To his surprise, he still didn't fall. "Sweet." He got back up, after relishing in the water pounding his back, and jumped off to meet them. "Looks like it worked the way we hoped."

"It worked better than you think, Naruto."

'Looks like we can talk again, huh?'

"That's what happened after the seal was released. That's a useful way to use the Five-Pronged Seal. Disrupting the connection between the Bijuu and the Host. It's dangerous for a Jinchuuriki, for the simple fact that disrupting the connection means shooting their control all to hell."

"Looks like the connection is back up." Hinata added in.

Naruto looked at Hinata. "Yeah, it still works. That's a relief."

Kakashi, Sasuke, and Jiraiya nodded. They had long gotten used to it. "Well, now that we're done here, I think we can leave training and do a C-rank once our time off is finally over." Kakashi stated. "Remember, tomorrow is our last day off. Try and relax tomorrow."

They all nodded, but Sasuke grabbed Naruto's arm before he could leave. "There's something I think you could figure out for me, and I doubt I could find it on my own."

Naruto looked at him in surprise. "You seem to be relying on me a lot lately."

"Considering the fact that what I need found was last in the hands of a Namikaze, and you're the last one, I figured you'd at least know of it." Sasuke stated.

"What do you mean?" Naruto said, interested in what was going on.

"While I was out of, some weird voice was telling me a few things. I know it wasn't a dream, because I don't dream crazy shit like that." Sasuke admitted, before explaining the contents of it. "After that, it became a somewhat normal dream for me. I know that you've been going through your father's stuff, but I was wondering if you had already seen it."

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