
"Because she's the biggest bitch I know," he said looking at me. "Besides you, your highness."

I held my chin up, "It's about time someone recognized some talent. I can liter out bitch anyone."

Alex smirked, "Literally?" He corrected and I shot him the finger. I can't say I had Lena but I hate the fact that whenever she's around, she has this thing where she needs to be the center of it all. Shit, if I was half as exotic as she was I would think so too. Alex took the bottle from me and I sighed. "Why am I here, Alex?" I asked. "I should be in my bed, getting ready for whatever the fuck the Council throws my way and picking out a fucking college for crying out loud. So why do I give a fuck about your stupid ass brother?"
Silence. I looked at Alex and he was chugging the bottle. Fucking drunk! He pulled the bottle away from his mouth and then turned to me. "Because he bought you to a point where you thought you could rely on him emotionally and he isn't emotionally ready for a serious relationship," he answered slurring. I was actually surprised. Drunk Alex is actually intelligent.

"You actually have something intelligent to say for once," I mumbled.

He snorted and handed me the bottle, "I always do. I just have too much pride when I'm sober and I think you have thorns.

"Me? You are the hardest person to talk to!"

"And you aren't user-friendly," he snaps. "Point is, Joel can deal with your bullshit and has a smart comeback to everything you dish out at him and the same goes for you. You challenge him and Lena...she's too submissive for Joel. You are the female version of himself and he loves every second of it."
Well he sure has a bullshit way of proving that. I bit my lip as I looked back at the campfire and with the chill that ran down my spine I wanted to sit by it but drunk Justine in this situation would snap at Lena every chance she got. A finger ran under the straps of my dress and I looked up at Alex who was staring at it. Please don't be the stereotype brother who gets me drunk and tries to kiss me. "This is a nice color on you and so does the dress. Joel is an idiot," he says. "The one thing Lena doesn't have on you is your fire and you got a lot of it."

Alex gets up leaving the bottle with me. He stumbles a bit before turning to me. "I'm going to go get laid. Do you want to go speak to the idiot?" He asked. I smiled and shook my head. "I got my man Jack with me," I said tapping the bottle. Alex smiled back and started walking back to the party. As he was leaving I noticed someone walking over to me. And what do you know? It's the idiot.
"Go away," I groaned.
Joel stopped in front of the rock and frowned. "Are you drunk?" He asked in shock? With a hint of irritation. I gave him a "Duh" look and went back to looking at the water. With elegance and grace, Joel climbed the rock and held his hand out. "Give me the bottle," he commanded.

"How do you want it? Empty or in pieces after I smash it over your head?" I hissed at him taking another drink.

Joel's pretty grey eyes narrowed down at me. Haha...pretty. "What is the problem, Justine?" he snapped.

"You're still breathing."

"Is it because Lena is here? Is this what you are going to act like every time she's around?" He pressed and it started to piss me off. "She isn't anything to me but a friend!" I stood up quickly, or tried to without falling, and put my hands on my hips.

"I can always tell when you're lying," I growled. "Your lips start moving!"

I handed him the bottle and pushed past him. He's a fucking liar but damn good sexy one at that. His pants hung just below his waist and he left that shirt wide open. If I wasn't angry with him I would be at his feet right now. I got off the rock more gracefully than I thought I would and started to walk away. "Where are you going?" Joel asked.
"To go see Nicholas. My friend," I snapped. Yes, it's a low blow but Joel makes me so frustrated. In more ways than one. I heard the bottle hit the sand and within seconds I was off my feet and thrown into the sand and he was on top of me! I tried to knee him but he moved quicker and settled in between my legs, pinning my hands above my head firmly. God this was so hot. "You aren't going to see him," he spat.
"Why? I think I deserve a bit more than being told I'm someone's property while they go off and screw their fiancée!"I yelled. "Nicholas maybe a dick but he's a single dick."

"Stop it, Justine."

Instead of blood rushing to my head, the liquor did and it made me dizzy but Joel settled in between my legs did something to my insides. "Stop what? Saying dick?" I giggled. Joel looked down at me and I knew what he was thinking without him saying it.
"Why? The thought of me and Nicholas together piss you off?" I pushed. "I would let him you know. I would let Nicholas touch me with the way I feel now. I would beg him to fuck me and the fact that he would do it pisses you off."
Joel's eyes stared to glow and I knew I went to far but I don't care. I'm not an idiot and I know how flings with guys like Joel go. Someone like me always ends up hurt. I could feel his dïck growing hard against me and I fought back a moan at how thick it felt. Good lord. I turned my head away from him and stopped struggling. "Just leave me alone, Joel," I said. Joel's hand moved down my body and reached under my dress, pushing my panties to the side. His long fingers found and gently massaged my clít, circling slowly. His breath was soft against my face as he nipped along my jaw. I gasped softly, arching my back to push myself against him. I would be a liar if I said this wasn't what I wanted. Joel's hand rubbed against me, round and round and reflexively my hips followed his movements as pleasure spiked through my body. "Keep still," he demanded as he slowly inserted his thumb inside me, rotating it. Stroking the inside of me. I moaned for him. His teeth grazed my ear as he flexed his thumb slowly, in and out while his fingers still circled. I closed my eyes trying to get my breathing under control but I moaned again.

"You must be fucking crazy if you think I'm going to allow any to touch this body," he growled and I shuddered against his hand. "You're so wet, Justine. So quickly. I like how you respond to me."

Joel quickly moves his hand and puts it inside of my mouth. I looked up at him as I sucked on his thumb and the look of lust increased. "I want to fuck your mouth, Justine, and I plan to soon," he told me, his voice hoarse and raw. That is something I would enjoy. I moaned and bit down on his finger, hard. Joel growled and wrapped his other hand in my hair and gave it a painful pull. It made me wetter than I was if it was possible but I let him go. Joel didn't let me go however and pulled me until I was kneeling in front of him. "My bad, sweet girl," he whispers. "Because of that mouth of yours I won't even finish you off tonight. Now get up and let's go."
I wasn't normally one for following orders but with Joel being as dominant as he was right now I would do anything he asked. We stood up and he smoothed down my hair as I fixed myself. Before we started walking he glared down at me, "Before this month is out, I will fuck the shit out of you," he growled in my ear. "That's a promise."


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Justine 🌹

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