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The plague happened in the sweltering summer of 2020. Luckily no one was in school at the time or else the problems would have increased rapidity. Summer school? That's another story.
The disease started out with cold symptoms. Runny nose, itchiness, sneezing, coughing, etc. Then, the symptoms evolved into the flu. Lastly, cravings. Not normal ones at that, cravings for flesh. Flesh, blood..Cannibalism.
People protected themselves through the governments assistance. Anyone who developed into the last stage got locked up in a lab; tested on, in hopes they'd repair the malnourished, boosting their fragile bodies back to health. Results were difficult to receive, though put in a straight jacket, these creatures were too powerful, infecting all of their handlers. Only one thing could kill the species; a blow to the skull or chest. If you took out their heart, they couldn't function. Along with their brain.
No one was sure how the science worked, nor dared to find out. All that they knew was it wasn't going to be stopped easily, and the sickly puppets could transmit their disease through bite or scratch. If infected completely, gnawed till the skeleton, you were definitely deceased. Turning into one of 'them' was some sort of resurrection ritual throughout the defected, told the government.

Pretty soon, the majority was on their own. Without boundaries, without rules. No government, no cure.

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