Niall : Early Night

Start from the beginning

Resolutely spinning on my heel, I marched back, face set like stone.

“Ey, (Y/N), you forget something?” June called out with an understanding smile.

“Yeah, sorry, I got a bit distracted out there looking for something decent enough to kill,” I sarcastically replied amongst bubbles of nervous laughter. Niall’s gaze solemnly met my cold stare, until he cowardly glanced down to the dusty ground.

“Here, I think I can just pick something up over here,” I said calculatingly, turning my back to the crowd and bending over. I heard Jesse whistle as he scanned my ass. With a knowing smirk, I popped back up and trotted over to the fire, hands filled with thick twigs.

“It’ll do,” I shrugged. Purposefully, I leaned forward as I dumped the wood into the flame, allowing my breasts to spill forward. I slyly smiled at a frustrated Niall with menace ablaze in my eyes.

“Fucking god, (Y/N), are you trying to piss me off?” he blurted, easily provoked.

“Yeah, pretty much,” I nodded contently.

“You know, unfortunately for you, my type isn’t the conservative, jealous asshole. If you’re looking for a subservient pushover I would recommend moving on,” I continued, agitated.

“That’s not why I’m mad!” he shouted. Our friends once again quieted, suddenly interested in tracing patterns in the dirt.

“Oh, you’re saying that you didn’t just call me a slut, then? Because I didn’t hear you complain about anything else. Nope, I just heard you call me a slut. Anybody else remember anything else?” I ranted, letting my biting words roll of my tongue as they radiated my bitchy temperament.

“Can we just please talk somewhere else,” he mumbled, distressed.

“Sure,” I agreed heatedly.

I trailed behind his slouched form, his hands casually lingering in the folds of his pockets as he dragged his feet to our shared cabin.

He paused at its steps, slowly turning to face me, while I waited expectantly for him to speak.

“I’m sorry baby,” he confessed, eyes swimming with torment.

“And you sure as hell should be. That was completely uncalled for and totally out of line,” I responded aggressively, “What the hell was that even about?”

“I-I just… I don’t know, to be honest. I just got really defensive when I saw you with that guy, because you knew he was interested in you. And then everybody else’s comments, everything all just started bugging me. But I know, I was being a complete douche,” he rambled apologetically.

I sighed, mulling over his words in my head as his pleading blue eyes met mine, “It’s okay, Niall. I’m sorry for being overly bitchy about it, too. But I’m serious when I say, don’t you ever call me a slut again. Understand?”

“Of course, baby. I love you, and I’m sorry,” his hands cradled the arch of my back, tugging me closer to him.

I tipped forward on my toes, whispering softly into his ears, “Actually, there’s one exception to that rule. You can dirty talk me and call me a slut all you want in bed.”

I pulled back, brushing my nose against his.

His eyes widened eagerly as his cheeks flushed, his hands instinctually gripping tighter around my waist.

Playfully, I continued, “Now, why don’t you show me how no other guy can do me as good as you?”

“Yes, your highness,” his warm breath tickled my ear before he tugged me up the steps to our cabin.

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