12| Nightmare and daydreams ✔️

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A/N : New readers don't be surprised. Old readers don't be confused. I made a few major edits. Will sort it out soon. :)

A real friend cares for you like a Mom, scolds you like a Dad,
teases you like a sister,
irritates you like a brother,
and loves you more than a lover.


"I was sweaty and bruised; face was swollen with the beatings I received a while ago. My back was sore. My head was reeling from thirst and hunger.

Gods. I wanted to die.

A low moan escaped my lips as I tried to get myself into sitting position. My eyes fluttered open and I found myself in a cell. Rather, a dungeon. It was the same cell, where they had locked me up the last time I tried to escape. The place stank with the smell of rotting matter and I wanted to puke the second the stench entered my nostrils.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I open them again. The haze clears a little.

They had moved me back to my place then, I conclude, but when had they done it? I could remember nothing.

Most likely when I lost consciousness.

I had lost all my strength when they hit me. The back of my skull still throbbed as I pressed my hand over the bump. There were about ten stitches in the place where it had cracked. Had that doctor healed me then? I had fallen face first on the floor and immediately lost consciousness. I had no idea what had happened after that.

Judging by the dried patch of dark red liquid, it had been days.

I sighed and checked my bruises. They were already turning yellow. My clothes were torn and clung to me like a battered sail on the mast of a shipwreck. They had whipped the living day lights of me. Again.

Anger churned in my stomach. I spat out blood.

The cycle was fucking endless.

They would beat me. Inject me. I would drop unconscious. Then they'd bring in the doctor to patch me up. Leave me a couple of days to recover. Once I better, I would inevitably try to run away. Then they would catch me and beat me again.

So fucking pleasant.

But despite everything, the will to achieve freedom never faded. It burned like the last lantern in a lighthouse.

The last sores hadn't even healed yet, why did they have to be so cruel? It wasn't as if I could harm them in anyway since they always injected Wolfsbane in me every two weeks. My wolf wasn't responding at all, she had shut herself from me ages ago, because of the poison. That made the pain more excruciatingly painful.

Some more days in this dungeons and I'd start scraping these walls with my nails like a mad animal.

The door opened, breaking my thoughts. A gigantic silhouette covered the entrance.

He was back. I gritted my teeth. Welcome round two.

I watched him watch me impassively. It was a staring contest. Except, there was only one winner either way.

He smirked, as though reading my expression. Underneath the hood, his electric blue eyes sparked.

Even if the earth began to revolve around the moon, I wouldn't give in to him.

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