32| Foreshadow

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The Blood Hound Pack

The cold wind blew as she stepped out into the open. The moonlight bounced off her gown as she stood under it, savoring its beauty.

Never had she imagined this great day would really arrive and she would see her dream come true.

A sea of faces stared back at her, some waving, some smiling and saying encouraging words. But her smile was for the person who stood on the stage next to his mother as they waited for her to approach.

She walked slowly yet gracefully, her heart beating loudly with nervousness and anticipation. Her clammy fingers held onto her pale blue gown as though like her lifeline. It rustled as she walked through the rows of people who were waiting for the ceremony to commence.

The tiny moonstone amulet gifted by her mother hung from her neck, as a talisman.

Elena smiled as Kiara stepped on to the stage. Next to her, her son gave her a dazzling smile, one which she returned shyly.

She joined her hands with him and the mark on her forearm once again glowed blue. Hundreds of eyes were fixed on it as they gazed at it in wonder.

Elena walked towards the new Luna and placed the tiny tiara on her head. A glow lit up Kiara's face as the power surged through her veins. Her appearance radiated power and glory.

The crowd stood up in reverence as she faced them, a calming smile gracing her features.

She felt confident.

She felt brave.

It was a huge responsibility, but she was positive she could do it.

"I, Kiara Evergreen," she said, "Luna of the Blood Hound Pack, solemnly swear to protect and serve my people to the best of my efforts. I promise to be an anchor to them and guide them throughout the journey. The needs of my pack are greater than my own, and for them, I am willing to give up my life if the situation arises. Everyday, every moment of my life is bound to my pack, and I will always choose a path that will bring about joy to each and every member of my family."

The response was overwhelming. "Long live Luna Kiara! Long live the Luna!" They chanted as one as they raised their hands as a sign of approval.

Kiara's face was flushed as she smiled back at them. A smile that could make the mightiest bend on their knees. Words would fail to describe what they thought of her.

They looked at her in awe and wonder. She wasn't perfect, they knew. She had her flaws. But she was willing and that was what mattered in the end.

There would be challenges, there would be hardships, but then happiness comes at a price. She was willing to do her best for her family and that in the end is what actually counts.

* * *

The Dark Wolf Pack

Miles and miles away, Alpha Aden sat in his chair, his forehead scrunched up in concentration. A gust of wind blew through the window and he rubbed his tired eyes as he focused on the sheet of paper in front of him.

A stack of unopened letters lay scattered on his desk, but his attention wasn't on any of those. Instead, his eyes were rooted on the hastily written letter in front of him.

The letter was from Delta Carson.
And the contents read :

Date : May 1st 2009

Alpha Carter,

This is to inform you about the recent events at the Palace. Yesterday, Subject was seen talking to a new member in his room late night. As his guard, I was standing outside his room. However, the conversation was hushed and I could only hear bits of it.

From what I have gathered, the member is new to the group and is appointed as a spy. He tends to keep his face hidden like Subject himself and he recently agreed to look out for details and plans of the other packs. The reason of his joining is still unknown, but I think he is discontent with his current pack because of some injustice done to him. His plan to get revenge and for that he is willing to work as Subject's spy.

I shall send you more details in the next letter. Until then, I suggest you do a thorough check of our own pack. The safety and security of our pack is in your hands after all.

Del C.C

P.S: Recently, I have noticed a suspicious mark branded onto the necks of some of the wolves here. There are different from the other hybrids. I don't have much evidence, but I have enclosed a rough sketch of the along with this letter. I hope you will be able to make some sense of the matter.

Aden pinched the bridge of his nose as he put down the letter

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Aden pinched the bridge of his nose as he put down the letter.

It was a serious matter. Not just to his own pack, but to all the four packs of the continent. The spy could be a member of any of the four packs.

It was dangerous. It was risky, yet he felt it had to be done.

Without further delay, his hand reached out towards the phone as he dialled the number.

* * *


This is the last chapter of the book, and it's incredibly short, I know. But there's a lot more to come in the sequel.

Happy reading!


(PS : you guys made my dream come true. RTR became 1st in Paranormal at last!) 😊

 RTR became 1st in Paranormal at last!) 😊

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