The 'Boondocks' Kids

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"Sweety, but there has to be something you can do instead of laying around playing video games!" Jazmine scolds her sixteen year old son. "Nakeem!"

"Yes mum! I heard you!" he says still looking at the screen attached to the wall in front of his bed, a controller in hand and headphones over his head. He wasn't exactly mullato, he had skin like his father's and eyes like his too, instead of an afro he had dreadlocks that were shoulder length, tied in a low ponytail. Handsome just like Huey, he had gotten a lot of attention. He was fun loving and sweet; like his mother, with just a hint of stubbornness. He dressed like his Uncle Riley, baggy blue jeans with a shirt twice his size.

Jazmine gives up, she just walks out of the room and slams the door behind her. She walks down the stairs and into the kitchen where she pours herself a glass of whiskey to numb the pain. As she drinks it the door opens. Huey walks in wearing a black suit and holding a suitcase.


"Hey, love," Jazmine smiles immediately. Its not alcohol that numbs the pain, its her husband.

He kisses her on the cheek as she plops his suitcase on the table. "The kids back?"

"Just Nakeem." Jazmine sighs.

"What do you mean just Nakeem?" he asks her. "Where's Trisha?"

"She never tells me where she's going, Huey," Jazmine rubs her temple. "Her blockhead brother probably knows."

Huey glares at his watch when he sees that its already six. Oh she's gonna get it. He passes his wife and walks upstairs to where his son always is, playing video games on his bed. Huey bursts into the room. "Nakeem!!!"

"Huh-Wah-Trisha did it!" Nakeem jumps at the loud boom of his father's voice. He pauses his game.

"Trisha did what?"

"Uh....nothing sorry. Force of habit," he smiles earning his father's everyday scowl.

"Its already six. Where's your sister?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"You don't?"

"No, pops. I don't." Nakeem lays back down and unpauses his game, raising the volume.

This boy.

Huey simply walks to the socket and pulls out the plug, turning the tv off completely.

"DAD!" Nakeem jumps up and holds his head in his hands. "My game progress!"

"Get up. Were gonna find your sister."

Realising he has no choice, Nakeem stands up too and just walks out of his room and downstairs. "Moms! Dad ruined my game!"

Huey sighs as he walks downstairs, wondering how he raised such a lazy, lazy boy.


Huey dialls Trisha's number as he drives. Ring ring. "Heya! T here. I'm probably busy with my Natey poo, leave a message! (Kissing sounds) Oops! Its still on! My bad! Beeeeeeeeep.
Huey sighs annoyingly, he hates Nate. He's an extreme bad influence, not to mention a dumbass.

He cuts, not bothering to leave a message and looks across at his son in the passenger's seat. He plays a game on his phone making Huey glare.
"Do you have any friends? At all?"

"Of course I do," Nakeem responds not looking away from his screen. "Why would you think that?"

Huey shakes his head. "Nevermind."

The "Boondock" Kids Where stories live. Discover now