Chapter 6 [Sophronia]

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Jasper and I hiked back to where I woke up, he had left a note for his friend just in case. I felt myself shudder in excitement. It's been a while time since I've done something where I didn't want to throttle the person half the time. Yet, the time we spent walking was going by devastatingly slow. Then, Jasper stumbled when his foot caught on a rock, I held back a laugh. 

"What're you smirkin' at, miss?" Jasper steadied himself, sounding calm but looked frustrated. 

"No reason," I replied, scanning our surroundings just in case. "It should be around here somewhere." I thought of the peach tree that I woke up at. I didn't know how long my sleep was, but it was fortunate to still be alive. Hopefully, that peach tree was a safe haven for us. 

"Mmm," Jasper hummed, he ran his fingers through his dark hair, it was matted with sweat. The air was hot and humid in Georgia, and the scorching midday sun was burning at my face and arms. "It's extremely hot... You can barely breathe."

"I'm aware of that, Jasper." I responded, impatiently under my breath. I saw a familiar brown messenger bag hanging from a tree branch nearly ten feet up. I sprinted to the tree and as soon as I reached it, I commenced climbing.

"Now what the hell are you doin', So'ronia?" Jasper called from below. I rolled my eyes and kept climbing, I was halfway there and I didn't need Jasper to distract me now with his Southern babble. I grabbed for a branch and hoisted myself up just as I heard a loud shout. "God fucking damn it!"

I quickly got onto the branch and peered down the side to see Jasper climbing up quickly with walkers shrieking at him, a long stream of bloody drool coming out of the corner of their mouths. "What did you do, you Southern idiot?"

"I did nothin'!" Jasper spat back, throwing himself up onto the branch next to me, I heard it snap a little under his weight. "Shit. Look at them tryin' ta climb up like that..."

I didn't bother, I looked up to see there were two more branches to go until I could get my bag. Bloody hell, if I fall I'll be eaten alive by those damned things. I began climbing again, I was careful yet urgent. I made it to the final branch, and to my disappointment, it was too flimsy for it to handle my weight. I sighed and went over to the nearest fat branch I could find. 

"So'ronia?" Jasper called out.

"Yeah?" I answered, setting my foot on a branch and crouching down slowly so it would take my weight. "Did you lose a limb?"

"No," Jasper replied. "Not yet. What's so important in that bag a yours?"

I was quiet for a second, and I glanced over at my bag that was still dangling from the branch. I brushed the hair out of my eyes for a moment, then sighed. "It's the last I have of my old life before all of this crazy bullshit happened. Once we find Alex, I'm going to the nearest, functional airport and he and I are flying the fuck out of here."

"Huh," Jasper murmured from below. 

"Are they still there?" I asked after a moment of silence.

Jasper grunted, "Most of them are gone. Only two of them left... There are checkin' me out. I swear, it's like they want to get in my pants instead of eating me, So'ronia."

"That's disgusting, you egomaniac." I tried fighting off the smile that was creeping onto my lips. I bit my lip and devised a way to get to my bag down without killing myself in the process. 

"What the hell did you just call me?" Jasper climbed up another branch, his head was just a couple feet away from my foot.

I stood slowly, and I climbed back up to the flimsy branch holding my bag. I half turned, grabbing onto a small branch nearby that  surprisingly bore my weight. Then, I lunged for it. I wrapped my arms around it as I neared it. That was my plan, although I had forgotten to estimate where I would land. Bend your knees, bend your knees! I bent my knees just as I hit the ground, and a sharp pain hit me in the leg as I rolled down the small hill near the tree.

"So'ronia!" Jasper called out, a hint of worry and surprise in his tone.

Dizzily, I got up and saw two figures running towards me. I squinted, my eyesight was spotted with black splotches.

"SOPHRONIA! RUN!" Jasper screamed at the top of his lungs, still at the tree.

I quickly straightened up, throwing my back over the shoulder and fastened the strap as I ran like hell was chasing me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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