Chapter 4 [Sophronia]

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I don't understand how he's cooking Italian food at a time like this, I thought, coldly. I had bathed, changed into clothes that the boy gave me, and at the moment, I was sitting on a comfortable couch that had room for two. I sighed, a little tired.

"Something wrong, miss?" The boy appeared in front of me. I jumped slightly at the suddenness of his appearance. He chuckled at my jump. "Sorry. I didn't mean to... kinda."

"It's fine," I replied, shifting uncomfortably. He was scanning me quietly with his eyes, he seemed little bit amazed. "Why're you staring at me like that?" 

"N-nothing, you just... Reminded me of someone I used to know." He uttered, then paused when he heard a loud thump. We both were quiet, listening to the continuous thumping noise from the outside. A snarl, then a crash was heard.

The boy unsheathed his knife, and ran to the door. I followed, grabbing a metal cane on my way. I sprinted towards the door, gripping the cane tightly in my hand. I heard yelling and struggling, I found him wrestling with a walker, he was trying to stab it in the face with his knife. "RAAAAAHHH!" The walker roared, gnashing its teeth together, attempting to bite him. 

I raised the metal cane above its head, and smashed it down. The walker screamed in agony, but when I looked down, I only managed to break its shoulder. The boy's eyes met mine, as if saying goodbye. I realized that this was happening in the matter of seconds, it was like time was going by slowly, slow enough for me to understand what was happening. I had only minimal time to think of how to kill it, and I didn't have that much strength after mashing the metal cane into its shoulder. I prayed, praying to get this thing off him, and, recklessly, I closed my eyes, and swung with all my might. 


I felt arms wrap around me after feeling something warm and disgusting splatter over my face. I dropped the pipe and threw my arms around him. I didn't know why I did that, but I felt like I needed someone to embrace at the moment. I buried my face in his shoulder and felt myself begin to shake. I was sobbing moments later, letting his arms hold me closer, listening to his hushed words into my ear, telling me: "It's alright... It's over, miss. It's over..."

I believe you, I wished to say. However, I wasn't able to, I was choking in my own tears. I didn't want to be in this world anymore, I didn't want to have to kill something that used to be someone, I don't want to hide in fear, and I most importantly did not want to be reminded of him. All my tears were reflected off the pain I've been in, all the tears I have been holding back for a while, now. But... It was nice to be comforted.

Moments later, I drew away from him, wiping at my eyes. I've always hated crying, it always made my eyes red and puffy, and my nose all sniffly; but I didn't really feel embarrassed in front of him. He tucked a lock of dark hair behind my ear, which seemed to be out of habit.. "Let's go eat somethin'. You must be famished from all that smashin'." 

I let out a small smile, then gestured towards the door with a nod. "What about that?"

"I'll fix it while you eat," he replied. "This is a big crappy motel, but who gives a shit?"

"Not us," I grinned. "I'll see you in the kitchen."

He nodded, smiling back. I turned and headed for the kitchen, shuffling my booted feet as I went, sniffling. I sat at the table to find a fancy plate decorated with the Italian cuisine, I inhaled and felt my mouth water. I began to eat, feeling alien as I did so. 

~ ~ ~

He joined me after I was near to finish, he didn't mind that I had already eaten, he looked pleased that I nearly finished the whole plate. "So," he said suddenly. "How long have you lived here in 'Lanta?"        

"A year or two," I responded, playing around with the pasta on my plate. "Not so long."         

"Ah, that explains a lot... " he murmured, then quickly before I said anything else he asked, "I never really caught your name, what was it?"

"Sophronia Middleton," I told him, blushing slightly, unsure why. "Alexander calls me Ronia, though. I've lived up North when I was younger... hence the fancy-sounding name."

"Jasper Granville." He smiled at me. "I like your name, it's quite a mouthful."

I felt my face flush. "S-so," I stuttered. "What brings you here?"

"I'm here with a girl I met a couple of days ago, but I haven't seen her in a while..." Jasper murmured. His dark hair and familiar hazel eyes sent an aching pain in my heart and I casted my gaze downwards. "You two are the total opposites. You're more quiet and blushier whereas she's a yeller and a sobber."

I gave him a look, "I was sobbing a few moments ago."

"Well," Jasper's cheeks colored in embarrassment. "A-anyway, how about you? How did you get separated from your friend?"

I paused, trying to remember. "Alexander and I became close when I arrived here, and we survived a zombie ambush. We found a group after that, and after a few days, we got ransacked by walkers and... We all got separated. I woke up hours ago, to find that I was underneath that peach tree with no one or any of the stuff I brought with me from my house..." 

"We could always check," Jasper said, hopefully. "There's also that possibility where Alexander is alive."

"What about your friend?" I asked, feeling hopeful. "Won't she wonder where you ran off?"

Jasper shifted in his chair, then shoveled more pasta into his mouth. After chewing and swallowing, he said, "I can always leave a goodbye note. She probably found someone else to survive with or she's...."

He didn't complete his sentence, nor did he have to. It was quiet for a while, then he stood and took our plates to wash them. I just sat there, thinking quietly about what he said. Just as he turned around, I got up, with my hands flat against the table.

"What's wrong?" He asked, a crease appearing between his brows. 

"Let's go find them, Jasper." I gave him a challenging smile. "Perhaps get some revenge on those walkers."

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