Jin - Buying a Bad Boy pt.1

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A/n: I'm starting to give them titles as well as the band members heh ^~^ enjoy~

As you entered the building, it was full up with people looking around the house. You really wanted to buy this as your first house but it looked like so many people wanted it. You looked around the living room quickly as people were flooding in. I'll go to the kitchen and check that out. I love cooking. Hopefully there's not too many people there. You thought to yourself. As you entered, there was only one person in there thankfully. You ignored his presence and wander up to the cooker.
Suddenly the person spoke, "So do you like this house?" You turned around, me must have been the owner.
"Yes indeed, I love this kitchen. I have a passion for cooking." You smiled at him then turned to focus on the cooker again trying to ignore him. It wasn't mean, but you felt very turned on when you saw him. He was so handsome. Especially because he has a suit on. At once you could feel his warm breath hit the back of you neck, sending chills down your spine. "I'll lower the price of this house for a beautiful woman like you." He whispered softly.
You tried to forget him standing right behind you, "Really? That's so sweet of you!" You couldn't contain your excitement. You've been wanting this house for a large amount of time.
"But there's a catch," His voice got lower and more closer. "If you pay less, I come with the house and you have to be my pet for a week." His words repeated in your head. You kept over thinking about your answer.
This has been the house you've always wanted. You don't know this man but it could end in a good result. You thought to yourself.
"Well.." He broke the silence.
"...it's a deal. How much." Your tone of voice changed to more formal.
"Deal" as you said those words, he got everyone to leave the house.

"All to ourselves, I like it!" He said

PART 2 soon

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