Rap Monster

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(Plot: he takes you out to dinner but you see your ex and they have a fight!)

RapMon POV

I checked to see if my bow tie was on properly and made sure my hair was decent. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Hey girl," I said when Amy answered the door. "You look absolutely stunning oppa." I complimented her beauty. I'm the luckiest guy alive.

"Heh, thanks. You're quite fit yourself." She winked.

I bent my arm as an invitation for her to link hers with mine. She closed to door behind her and we got in my car and drove off to the restaurant.


He looked so smart and handsome. I'm the luckiest girl alive.

Once we arrived at the restaurant, we immediately got guided to our table for two.

He open up the chair and tucked me in - such a gentleman.

I looked around to look at the atmosphere but all of a sudden I froze.

"What's the matter, baby?" RapMon asked worried.

"It's... It's him oppa. My ex.. The one who abused me.." I mumbled. I've never been so scared to see him before.

"What. Jungkook? He was your ex? My band mate...?" He questioned.

I nodded slowly. I turned to RapMon when Jungkook moved.

RapMon's face was filled with rage. He stood up before a blink of an eye and walked over to him.

Oh no, something bad is going to happen. I know it.

RapMon POV

I can't believe Amy's abusive ex was the baby in BTS... Jeon Jungkook..

I now.. Hate him with a passion.

"Yah! Jungkook." I shouted and scared him - such a pussy.

"Oh. Fellow band member." He said trying not to sound shocked.
He stood up also causing him to look up at me, towering over him.

"I never knew you were Amy's ex. You're horrible!" I spat in his face. "You punched my girl... And I trusted you.." I said.

"Well you should've seen her. Girls these days are just so moody." He moaned

"Well you're pathetic.." I shouted and punched him.
"I trusted you.."

I strolled away and grabbed Amy and we left before we had anything to eat.

I could tell Amy was left speechless so I kissed her passionately in the car.

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