)( Chapter Eight )(

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                His grip on her wrist tightened as he felt a slight resistance. Was she trying to make a run for it? He chanced a glance back at the girl and felt his heart stutter in his chest as he saw the crystalline tears rolling down her porcelain cheeks.

                “Shachi, carry her.” He ordered apathetically as he released his grip on the girl’s wrist and watched her slip to her knees. He’d been the only thing keeping her on her feet; his iron grip on her wrist had been the only thing giving her the strength to stand.

                “Aye.” Shachi answered somewhat hesitantly before sweeping the delicate girl into his arms.

                Law stalked ahead of the group as he battled with himself over his actions. He needed the girl, if he ran into Doflamingo in the New World, he’d need some kind of bargaining chip or leverage against him. He was a formidable opponent. However, Law had never felt as sick with himself as he did in that instant. Was it really worth it if he had to destroy such an innocent creature in the process? If it guaranteed the safety of his crew, he didn’t care who he had to sacrifice, that’s what he’d always believed, so why did it hurt so much to see her cry?

                They trekked through the jungle in silence the only sounds being the natural sounds of the jungle and the occasional muffled sniffle from the crying girl in Shachi’s arms. After awhile her sniffling ceased and Law chanced a glance over his shoulder. There were still tears brimming her otherworldly aquamarine eyes, but her body no longer shook with her muffled sobs.

                They broke through the thick jungle onto the white sandy beach where Felicity had first discovered a collapsed Bepo and made their way toward the yellow submarine just off the coast. The Heart Pirates clambered into a small dingy to row out to their unusual vessel. Carefully, Shachi set the desolate looking princess on the bench beside the furry first mate before taking up an oar.

                “It’s alright, hime-chan.” Shachi offered the girl a smile causing Law to throw him a questioning look. “We’ll help you find your family.” He beamed.

                Felicity stared at the auburn haired man with wide tear filled eyes, so the captain hadn’t told his crew his real reason for taking the girl along. The crew believed what she’d told the villagers. Her heart swelled at the amount of compassion she saw in the eyes of the other crew members. None of them meant her harm. They genuinely cared and wanted to help her, everyone save for their cold captain.

                “Th-thank you.” Felicity said softly as she chanced a glance in Law’s direction.

                Law scoffed, “We’re not finding her family.”

                “Eh?!” His crew gaped at him as they were about to reach the submarine.

                Law shrugged, “She’s our hostage.”

                “EH?!” The crew looked completely flabbergasted.

                Law rolled his steely grey eyes as they reached the submarine and gracefully leapt onto the deck, “She’s just here for leverage, nothing more. So don’t get too attached.” He said coolly as he waited for the others to scramble aboard.

                “What’s going on, Captain?” Shachi asked cautiously as he helped the fairy like princess onto the submarine.

                “Would you like to tell them who you are, or shall I?” Law smirked at the girl.

                Felicity bit her lip before bowing her head, “My name is Donquixote Felicity, Princess of Dresserosa.” She said softly and offered them a graceful curtsy.

                “Princess?” Everyone stared wide eyed, “Donquixote?” Their jaws were nearly on the floor, “Dresserosa?”

                Law caught a glimpse of metal from the sash at her waist as she rose from her curtsy. “Are you hiding something, Miss Princess?” He asked smoothly.

                Her sea prism stone aquamarine eyes shot to his wide in fear, “What?” She resisted the urge to clasp her hands around the vial she was wearing around her neck.

                The devilishly handsome pirate captain stalked toward her and caught her wrist in his hand. He gave a light tug and spun her into his arms so that her back was pressed against his chest. Felicity’s heart started to race as she found her body practically molded into his due to his tight hold on her. Her heart stuttered as his hand snaked around her waist and her breath hitched in her throat as his hand lightly brushed against her as it made its way to the satin sash tied to her waist.

                “What are you doing?” Her voice came out in a breathless gasp as she struggled against him, to no avail. He was much too strong.

                “Captain?!” His crew panicked thinking he was going to do something untoward to the beautiful girl.

                Law smirked as he found the hilt of the blade folded neatly into her sash he pulled it free and forcefully shoved the delicate girl away from him. “What are you up to, Miss Princess?” He asked smoothly as Felicity stumbled forward and fell to her hands and knees.

                Her gaze fell on the intricately carved dagger Amie had given her, “I’m not up to anything.” She pleaded, “It was a gift.”

                Law thought back to the words the old woman had told him in the village. ‘Try not to make her hate you too much, boy. Or it may be too late when you finally realize you’ve fallen for her.’ Stupid hag, trying to interfere where she didn’t belong; he hadn’t and wouldn’t fall for the girl. “I don’t think you’ll be needing it.” He said coolly and tossed the blade over the edge of the ship.

                “No!” Felicity cried as she watched the blade her friend had made for her fall into the ocean.

                “Get the ship ready.” He ordered his crew before turning and ducking inside the submarine, it was better if she hated him, then there wouldn’t be a chance for him to be weak.

Steal My Heart and Leave Me Breathless =Trafalgar Law=Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang