The male walks up to me and sits down across the table. I turn my head to the side and look at him. "Um. Excuse me?" I ask him. He laughs a familiar laugh and stares at me.

"You already forgot me? Oh dear~" He seductively tells me with his body leaning in to the table, elbows on the table top with his fingers interlocked together holding his head up. I immediately know that this is EJ in his human form. I roll my eyes at his question, but decide to pretend that I don't know him.

"I can't forget someone I never met. Though, if you would properly introduce yourself to me, I would love to make out with you right now." I tell him, hoping to get a reaction out of him. His eyes go back and forth from mine and moves his head back a bit. He seems to have recognized that I was joking, so he goes back to his normal persona.

"I'm Jack. Now, time to fulfill your promise." He tells me.

"Sure. Come sit by me." I egg him on. He would never kiss me, so I want to see how far he would go.

He gets up from his booth and over to my side, sliding over to where we are next to each other. I look around and see that nobody is paying attention, so I turn to look at him.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he moves closer to me, his lips going farther than my face and to my ears. He whispers, "Eyeless Jack told you that he would never touch a human like that. But, this Jack totally would for you."

My face heats up a bright red and I turn my head away from him, letting my arms fall to my side as he starts laughing. He puts his arm around me, pulling me back to him. I look up to see him laughing more at my face before he stops and looks around at the people around us. I look where he is and see a girl sitting alone and looking like she is about to burst in tears from looking at us.

Jack tells me that she is ripe for the picking and is give him a sideways glance. He scoffs at me and says that he just wants me to talk to her and try to get her in an area where he can take her. I nod and get up to go talk to her and he steals my hot chocolate and smells it, hating the smell and looking at my name written on the cup.

I ask the girl if I can sit next to her and she says yes between sobs. "Are you OK?"

"No.... I just got stood up by a date I planned to have here." She tells me too easily.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Is there anything I could do for you?" I ask.

"No... Just go be happy with your boyfriend and live a happy life...." She tells me. I let out a too loud of a laugh while glancing at human EJ and then to her, but back to Jack. He is smiling at me while holding my hot chocolate in his hand, slowly dumping the cup's contents into a plant's soil that was on the table. My lips make an 'o' shape and mouth the words 'you're so dead' to him and he laughs at me.

"No.. No... We are not dating. In fact, I hate him as of right now." I told her. She looks up to me and then to him at the exact moment he decided to get up and leave the room.

"Oh.. Is he single?" She asks me. I let out a little chuckle and tell her yes. She perks up and asks if she could get with him. I tell her that I could set it up and tell her that they could meet later on tonight at the park. I know that nobody ever goes there at night, so it would be perfect. She becomes happy and leaves the café. I go back to my original table and look at my empty cup and shake my head.

My Imperfect (Various!Creepypastas x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now