I step across and I can't hear Masky's voice yelling to me. I turn around and see all of them staring at me, yelling. Even Hoodie looks frazzled as he is pointing at something. I turn to what he is supposedly wanting me to see. A dog is running toward my direction with ... human teeth!? I run, stupidly, deeper into the tree's and away from the people who could have protected me. I reach a point where I don't know where I am any more. Since I ran straight, I should be able to turn around and head straight back, but I stopped and turned around a few times to get my barriers and now don't know which direction I came from.

The dog comes from behind and is growling at me, teeth clenched. I try to back up, but a tree root tripped me up and I fell back. The dog takes this opportunity and attacks. It starts by clawing my bare arms and I remember my knife that Masky gave me and take it out. I stab the dog right before it tried to claw at my face. I run away again, but I made it more mad and it came at me with more force, knocking me down and bit the calf of my leg. it starts bleeding immediately and that was the moment I knew I was going to die. I'm not prepared to take on anything that wants to kill me. If I can't take on a dog, what would I do with a person!? Or better yet, a creepypasta or other monster out there.

Next thing I know, the dog was picked up and thrown far into the trees. I look up to see a man in a blue mask with black holes staring at me. He looks at my leg and then back at me.

"Thank God! I shouldn't have ran this direction. I'm so dumb." I say while sitting up. The pain is terrible, but I just need to focus on getting out of here. I manage to stand up by propping myself up on a nearby tree and look for the guy that saved me. He wasn't anywhere to be found, so I just take it that he is like another Hoodie or something. I try to walk and expect to feel great pain, but instead of it being on my legs, it is in my head.

I blackout.

I wake up in a basement, tied down to a cold, metal table. The room is poorly lit, but I can still see faint red spots around my legs and on places near me. The door opens with the same guy form earlier wearing gloves, walking to me. I try to move my arms, but it is all tied down.

"Wha-what are you doing?" I ask him, bits of fear escaping my being with every minute that passes by.

"Taking your organs one by one. You don't mind though, do you?" He asks, but not really. He grabs a marker on a small table next to him, looking down at me.

"Uh, YES. Haven't you ever heard of CONSENT?" I half-yell at him.

"Only consensual sex. Even that's a stretch. You?" He asks while lifting up my shirt a little, drawing small x's on my stomach. I make a face of disgust and shake my head at his answer. He see's my expression and laughs a bit. "Don't worry. I wouldn't touch a human like that."

"Humans wouldn't touch you like that either." I say back to him. That wasn't the smartest answer for this situation, but I can't stop the sarcasm.

"You would if it was your life that was on the line. Every girl and occasionally boy would offer themselves to me. I decline, obviously." He tells me, putting the marker down, grabbing a knife.

"I would never give you my body. However, it seems like you're going to take it from me anyways. I, unlike everyone else, don't fear death. Just do it quick." I say back to him, closing my eyes.

He gives me a peculiar look, taking the knife away from my waist and to my neck. "If you want, I could."

"Fine. Just do me a favor and tell Slenderman that he isn't to blame for my death and not to worry about me." I tell him.

"Wait. What?" He asks, pulling the knife back to him.

"Slenderman is my master. I was with Trender, but... Well. It's not important right now, but I live with Slender and his creeps now." I tell him, opening my eyes back up to look at him.

He seems to think about it for a moment and puts down the knife. "This is why I shouldn't talk to my prey.." He says, turning away from my a bit to where I can only see his profile.

"Hey, if you want, it seems like you are the type of pers- monster that wants to dissect me, so how about we make a deal?" I say, "I can go out into the real world and get other people for you in trade for my life?"

He seems to ponder on my idea and final presses a button, releasing me. I raise myself up and get off the table, only to topple over because my leg is still bitten and bloody. He catches me before I fall and helps me back onto the table. He gets handcuffs from his pockets and puts it on my wrist, attaching it to a bar on the table. I cock my head to the side, eyebrows slanted. He waves his hand and leaves the room for a few minutes. He then returns with some antiseptics to help my wound. He takes care of my leg for a while and then turns to me. He un-cuffs the bar and picks me up, putting me onto the floor, cuffing the free cuff on a free pipe on the wall, trapping me into this one spot.

"Hey. I already made the deal with you, I won't escape." I tell him.

"I don't trust you." He tells me. Kneeling down to my level, he lifts my shirt up again and wipes away the x marks. He gets up when he got done and goes to the door. "You will sleep down here tonight."

He leaves the room, but the door is halfway shut. I see his head poke through and he says, "Oh, and by the way. You just sold your body to me. You know, the same body you said that you would have never sold to me before." He laughs and shuts the door, leaving only a small light hanging above the table shine. I scoff and try to get comfortable on the floor, mentally scolding myself for everything I did today.

I think over everything, but ultimately my mind is won over by memories of Trender and Emilia. Those were the only memories that I cherished in moments of pain. I would do anything to just travel back in time and see them once again. To finally be happy. I fall asleep on the wall and wait for the blue masked man to come get me in the morning.

My Imperfect (Various!Creepypastas x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now