Chapter Thirty-Two

Start from the beginning

There were three vans that were similar to the one that we had got out of that were parked near us. The van lights were left on in order to give us some light because the sun was starting to set. I walked to the front of the gang to see Maximus standing a few feet away with my brother, my mother and the rest of his gang and, of course, Jeremy's son was in the mix. Jeremy was standing off to the side with Denver.

"Everyone is here now and everyone has been searched. No weapons. Let's keep this as friendly as possible." Grant said walking to the middle of where everyone was standing.

"well, well, well," Denver laughed lowly. I rolled my eyes at the sound of his voice. I felt nothing but disgust for him just by the sound of his voice.

"How are the love birds doing?" He asked looking at me and then Jason whom was standing behind me.

"Fuck off, Denver." Jason sneered.

"I still don't understand why you would want to be with a man that is so much like your own father." Denver said looking at me. Jeremy and a few of the unrecognizable people behind the two of them laughed.

Denver held a smirk that pissed me off more then words could describe. I hated when people brought up my father. I also didn't like that he was comparing Jason to Maximus.

"I am nothing like Maximus, I would never kill my own blood." Jason said through gritted teeth. I guess he didn't like being compared to Maximus.

"Oh? Explain Sam." Denver crossed his arms as if to say he won the argument.

"Sam is alive and well." Jason said taking a few steps forward. Sam moved out from behind him and Denver's face dropped.

"Great, now that we have that out of the way." I cleared my throat. "Do we have a problem Denver?" I asked raising my brows.

"Sam?" He asked. He looked completely shocked.

"Hi," Sam said lowly with a shaky voice.

"Save the reunion for later and let's get down to business." Maximus spoke.

"Lets," I said looking of at them.

"Miley," my mother spoke. "Come back home." She said lowly.

"Hell no," I shook my head.

"I'll give you one more chance to come home." Maximus said.

"I'll pass." I crossed my arms.

"Fine," he laughed lowly. "You will regret that decision."

"I don't have any regrets. Do you?" I asked tilting my head to the side. He looked dead at me.

"No," he said. The tone in his voice had changed but I wasn't scared. I didn't have time to be scared.

"Seems that you haven't changed one bit and that is really sad." I shook my head.

"I know that you want me back for many reasons and I am sure that I could be plenty useful for you but I won't let that happen. If you even think about taking me against my will, let me explain what will happen." I began after I crossed my arms.

"First off, if you took me, I would find some way or another to kill myself and I won't think twice about that. Once I'm dead, and my contacts find out that I have gone missing, and they will find out, the FBI will come after your ass. In my Will it clearly states that if I disappear or I am found dead Maximus is to blame." I laughed lightly. His face dropped slightly and I could tell that I had put some fear into him.

"My Will also shows all of the reports about what happened back when I was under age and everything points right back to you. You will go down for that shit and you will end up behind bars because of it." I said in the strongest voice I could possible.

"I highly doubt that the people that are standing in your corner now will be there when you are in prison. No one wants to be associated with someone like that." I chuckled proving my point even further.

"So, Maximus, do we have a problem?" I asked tilting my head to the side. Everyone was silent. "You don't want to test me. After all, whether I like it or not, we are alike in many different ways so you, of all people, know I am not fucking with you." I said with a smirk.

"I am not your father," Maximus glared. I looked at my mother and she looked away. It was shocking to hear him say that but it wasn't much of a surprise.

"Well doesn't that explain a lot." I snickered. "I suppose it makes the threat even more serious for you. Because it if isn't your genes then the hate and anger towards you is even more stronger." I said looking over my shoulder at Greggory.

"Tessa," Greggory said walking up next to me.

"Well, if it isn't the one and one Greggory." Maximus said grabbing my mother and throwing her on the ground in front of him.

"I'm sorry Greg," she said as tears ran down her face.

"I guess I know where I get the slut gene," I said looking at Sam. She couldn't even make eye contact with me.

"I am not in the mood for this shit and this is not what this meeting is about." I said looking back at Maximus.

"I think a treaty would be a smart decision for all of us." Lewis said speaking up for the first time since we got here.

I walked up to my mother who was still laying on the ground. "Here," I said helping her back on to her feet. I walked her over to Greggory as she sobbed and sobbed.

"I'm sorry," she said collapsing in his arms.

"Maximus, what are your thoughts on a treaty?" Grant asked as Maximus crossed his arms.

"Everyone here knows that if we go to war we will all lose more then we will ever gain. A treaty will keep all of us safe and it will allow us to continue to work in our own territories. I don't think there is anything wrong with that." I said with a sigh.

"What if I want more?" Maximus said.

"You don't want to do that because you will end up dead and your legacy will be dead too." Greggory said through gritted teeth.

"I'm in," Denver said and Jeremy nodded.

Everyone was now looking at Maximus in silent except for my mother's soft cries in Greggory's arms.

"Okay," Maximus sighed.

"Good, now that everyone is one board. I have put something together based on previous conversations with each of you." Grant began as he pulled out a bunch of paper work. Each gang had already appointed a lawyer that had been talking with Grant whilst forming a contract towards the treaty.

"This contract basically states that you will no longer work against each other. You have agreed to make peace and leave each others territory alone. If you break this treaty all hell will break lose and war will begin. You will keep in contact when needed and vow to never attempt to hurt or kill one another." Grant went on explaining. After a while, I zoned out. I didn't really care. I was done with everything and I was ready to get the hell out of here.

We all sighed and agreed to be peaceful with one another. Greggory also worked into the contract that my mother did not have to stay with Maximus if she didn't want to. It also stated that Maximus couldn't hurt her or me anymore. Maximus agreed, mostly because of the fact that Maximus knew that he would not make it out alive if he didn't.

"Miley," Sam said walking over to me with Denver following closely behind her.

"Yes," I said letting out a sigh.

"I am sorry for things I said." Sam started. I didn't really care much about her or this conversation.

"Yeah, me too." I said crossing my arms. "I hope you both make each other happy. Stay safe." I said as I began to walk away.

"Where are you off too?" She asked as I started to walk away.

"I don't really know. I just want to travel. I don't know where I will go or what I will do." I said shoving my hands in my pockets and smiling softly.

"Stay safe," she nodded. I nodded back before turning on my heal to walk away.

Grant told me to take his car and have fun and that is what I am gong to do. 

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