"Ty?  Who is Ty?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I have no idea what he's talking about.

"You just said, 'TyI don't want to be stuck in this hospital!'" I did? I don't even know anyone named Ty.

"Huh... I guess it was just a slip of the tongue?" I said more in a question than a statement because I honestly have no clue why I just spit out a random name.

"Ok. Moving on, do you want something to eat?" He asks and my stomach twists as an answer.

"Please. I want lobster and filet mignon, and chicken Cordon Bleu! And make it quick peasant." I say clapping my hands together.

He chuckles and roles his eyes in response, "whatever pain in the ass."

"Yes, there does seem to be a pain in my ass, mind leaving?" I say teasingly.

"Sure I'll bring pack the parental units while I'm at it, sound good?" He says and I scowl thinking he was serious.

Then he bursts out laughing, "your face! You look like your constipated Lizzy-Pissy!" And I roll my eyes.

He ignores it and continues: "so that means you saw then, huh?" And I have no idea what he's talking about, again. "The only way you could be so pissed at them is if you saw the interview. I know I'm not supposed to help you recover your memories, but they told the interviewers they weren't going to pay the ransom to get you home. That's the only reason you could be so pissed at them." My mouth drops open.

That makes so much sense. I had all of this built up anger and no idea why, but now it all comes together. I was mad because they didn't want to help me get home. Assholes.

"Where you mad?" I ask, suddenly hoping he didn't betray me too.

"No. I partied and got drunk and hooked up with girls in your room while you were gone, Iz, are you stupid?" He mocks.

"No, I just don't know what to think. I have no memories, and my body is mutilated, and my parents are douches." I said so his hurt expression would leave his face.

"I moved out... I'm renting an apartment." He explains, watching my expression carefully. And my heart drops. So now I have to go home to my joke parents.

"Great." I say, not so enthusiastically as I intended.

"But, I bought the apartment with two rooms... Because I thought you'd be interested in coming with me too." He adds, and now I'm back to happy.

"Am I allowed to?" I ask before I get my hopes up.

"Well, yeah... Mom and dad don't care, we're only in their way anyways." And at that I'm ready to lose these tunes and wires so I can hug him properly... But he hates hugs and is probably end up getting flicked or something, so it's for the best that I'm restricted.

"Then get me the hell outta here so I can move in!" I practically jump out of the hospital bed, but he places his hands on my shoulders to hold me down.

"Please don't get all annoying." He says, but I know he's joking.

"Alright whatever, but I really do want out of here." I state matter of factly.

"I know, but for now, you need to get some sleep, ok?"

At that he gets up and leaves the room, smiling at me before closing the door.

But I can't go to sleep. On top of the annoying beeping sounds (which I think is monitoring my pulse) there's people clicking their feet as they walk by the door, and there are people crying in what I assume is the next room over.

Do I just sit there and try to do some of the exercises the doctor told me to do in order to try and gain back my memories. I think about the last memory I had before I woke up in this damn hospital. So I keep thinking about the fight Nick and I had, and it's not getting me anywhere.

But then I remember something. Why did I slip up and call Nick "Ty"?

And why did it just roll off of my tongue like it was the most normal thing in the world. Could it have something to do with my kidnapping? Is he the kidnapper? But if he was, wouldn't I hate him or something?

Or, even further, how the hell would I know his name? Don't kidnappers try and conceal their identity? The thinking is giving me a headache, but I can't help it because I really want to know what happened to me.

My eyes start to droop as I continue thinking about this random name that popped into my head. This bed is really uncomfortable, but I'm exhausted. As I start to drift off to sleep, I hear my door click open. I didn't want to open my eyes and see who it was, until they took my hand. And the hand had a familiar, yet foreign feel to it. I didn't know who it belonged to, but it was like I had held their hand before...

So I open my eyes, and I see a guy hovering over my bed. He has a dark hood on, and that's when all the memories flood back, this guy, the same age as my brother, more attractive and muscular... He was my kidnapper.

This was Ty. This was the guy who did this to my body. This was the guy who hurt me.

I let out a scream.

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