This Was Never The Plan {Pt. 1}

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"So... Are you sure that's what happened?"

Mark furrowed his eyebrows, looking away from the webcam. A long silence fell over. We were finally talking to each other in days and this wasn't the exact best conversation to start off with. Sean was still in LA at the convention and was apparently... hanging out with a suspicious girl.

I could see from the corner of my eye that Mark was closely studying my facial expression as if trying to prepare for the reaction. So I won't panic in front of him. Never.

"Hey, so... Did he tell you anything about her?" I asked quietly.

"Well, no, actually, but I saw them laughing together over something and hugging and hanging out in general-" Mark started, but, seeing my expression, stopped.

"I'll... I'll just ask him. No big deal." I said, still concerned. "Thanks, Mark. It was nice seeing you."

"Sure," he smiled, and hung up.

I sighed. So... a suspicious girl, huh. I probably shouldn't freak out about this. It's a convention, so of course he will meet a lot of people, especially girls. So it's not a big deal. Not a big deal.

I stood up and started pacing around the room. This was quite a strange situation for me. No one has ever cheated on me. And Sean wasn't really the type to cheat. And if he's just being nice to her... I can't really find a solution from Mark's words. Should I just ask Sean?  Yeah, that would be logical.

The day slowly came to its end. The whole time I was feeling incredibly lonely and worried. I didn't want to confront Sean too soon and was waiting for him to call me. Eventually, I received a Skype call.

"Hey," he smiled when I picked up.

"Hi, Sean." I said, trying to smile in response. "So... how's the convention going?"

His eyes immediately lit up.

"Oh, it's great! I met a FUCKTON of people at the signings today, it was amazing! The process went very fast. Aaaand Mark, Bob, and Wade were being dicks to me. As usual. How was your day?"

I hesitated. If I ask him now, I'm just gonna snap.

"Well... It was fine, I guess."

"Is something wrong?" Sean asked.

"You see, Mark told me you've been hanging out with some girl there. I don't wanna say anything, but Mark is one of my best friends and I trust him. So... explain."

Sean stared at me, trying to come up with an explanation. What was I going to hear from him? "Sorry"? " I like her better"? What was I ready to hear? Or, rather, not ready.

"So... You can't explain, huh." I uttered.

"Look, I really don't wanna start this," Sean said with slight annoyance in his voice. "I can't explain. At least now."

Anger started to rise inside me.

"Well, if she's a mere "childhood friend" then that only happens in fucking movies," I say, clenching my teeth. "So if you're gonna run off with some girl, that's not like my polyamorous shit! And I was trying to keep this relationship going pretty hard. And what, you're going off right before... God. Thanks a lot, Sean."

I hung up.

A weird feeling was circulating through my body. A mixture of anger and disappointment formed a sickening lump in my throat, squeezing tears from my eyes against my will. I pressed my hands to my chest and sobbed.

Am I being too dramatic? Probably. I'm such a fucking crybaby. A selfish one, at that.

To be continued...

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