Another 13

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Woah... I keep getting tagged XD I really enjoy doing these kinda stuff, don't judge.

I was tagged by ghouIs thanks so much man!

1. You must post all the rules.
2. You must tag 13 people.
3. Each person must answer 13 questions.
4. Answer the questions assigned to you and make questions for other people.
5. You can't say you don't do tags but if you don't want to that's okay...
6. Tag backs are allowed.
7. Must finish within a week.
8. Be Creative with the title.

#1 Which do you prefer--hot baths or cold ones? Why?
Hot baths! Though cold baths are better cos you won't get sick easily. But I like the flow of water against my sin XD

#2 Do you like fresh milk?
Yeah, but chocolate milk is better in my opinion. I'm so sorry (シ_ _)シ 

#3 Do you get cold easily?
Mm... I guess so...

#4 Would you be with people you don't like or people you don't like?
Is there another answer? People I don't like😂

#5 Do you have pets?
Mm... My dad keeps fighting fish. Does that count?

#6 Would you rather have hot food on a hot day or cold food on a cold day?
Hot food!! Especially soup! 😋

#7 What was your first ever fandom?
Nothing... But maybe Haikyuu!!

#8 Who or what got you into watching anime?
A girl, who I count as my best friend, asked to watch Fairy Tail and yeah, that's how it started:) Followed by Akame ga Kill and from there, more action anime!

#9 Have you ever felt 'School af'?
Only during club activities🙃

#10 What time is it right there?
It is currently 6:56PM haha

#11 Do you like wearing socks?
Only if there's a need to. But I only wear socks which are ankle length. Not knee high socks:(

#12 What is the Colour of your toothbrush?
Uh... Green? I have another which is blue and translucent.

#13 Who's your favourite fictional character? Why?
A no brainier. Suga!! I mean, he's just perfect in his own perfect way hehe. He's like my dream guy. Too bad he's fictional:( but that's why he's perfect.

I tag:

My questions:

#1 Would you rather exercise or eat healthily?

#2 Would you be friends with someone who no one talks to?

#3 What's your favourite shark?

#4 Are you a tomboy?

#5 Do you think I'm a tomboy?

#6 Would you rather take a selfie or a video of you singing?

#7 Do you have any best friends?

#8 If there's one country which you have never went to, which would it be? (It cannot be a place which you went to before)

#9 Do you like sports?

#10 Do you like Ennoshia, Kinoshita or Narita more?

#11 Are you a Christian? How strong of a believer are you?

#12 What annoys you the most?

#13 How much do you know about me? (ok this is weird...)

Yep:) That's it!


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