Futakuchi Kenji x Reader <It's Alright>

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything in here except for the story plot. Enjoy!
___ grumbled a curse and stomped her way out of the classroom.

Class was already over but the constant teasing she got from Futakuchi, who was always beside her, was ticking her off.

He somehow always followed her around, not like a lost puppy, but more of a devil. An annoying devil which poked her with his tail.

"___, if you keep frowning like that, it'll leave permanent marks! That won't make you pretty anymore~"

She kept quiet for she knew that if she talked back, it would just increase the amount of teasing.

It has been going on for a long time where she would just keep her composure, taking deep breaths to calm her down.

The fact that she muttered profanities under her breath and walking faster than usual was proof that she was agitated but it amused Futakuchi.

They both entered the classroom for their next class.

They were seat mates so ___ prepared herself for the further teasing.

Class started as soon as the teacher walked in. The students were tasked to read pages 57 and 59 as the teacher marked the test sheets of her previous class.

___'s concentration wasn't 100% on the book as it would always drift off to her phone which she hid under her table.

"Oh? Aren't you the 'good girl' ___? Aren't you supposed to keep to school rules?"

Oh great. Here it comes. Don't get annoyed.

___ offed her phone. Probably a wise choice. She flipped the page after reading it.

"Oh? You're done? Are you sure you're smart enough to remember all those things? Are you are that you're just pretending to follow instructions?"

Calm down...

"And I noticed your skirt, isn't it shorter than usual? Why did you change it?"

'For no reason. Just shut up!' She scolded in her mind.

"Oh is it because of the weather? It is getting warmer... Or is it another reason?"

'Like I said, it's nothing. Not that you can hear my thoughts anyway...'

"Is it because the other girls are wearing it?"

___ glared at him a bit.

"Are you sure that you're wearing it for no reason?"

'How did he know that?'

"Are you sure that it's more comfortable like the other girls say? Are you sure that you like it better this way? Are you sure that others will notice you more?"

'Oh gosh...'

Futakuchi's face got closer and closer to ___'s ear every time he asked a question.

When it was right beside it, he whispered, "Are you sure that you're not trying to seduce anyone?"

Her eyes widened.

That's it, that was the last straw.

She slammed her hands on her desk and screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Shut up!"

"___-san, Futakuchi-kun, if you are going to disturb my class, I ask of you to leave!"

"Great job... We got kicked outta class!"

Futakuchi sat at the window and smirked.

"Is it because you wanted some alone time with me?"

There was no answer as usual. But there was a very uncomfortable feeling which Futakuchi felt. He turned his head towards ___.

She was... Crying?

___ eyes were moist and she used her sleeves to wipe her tears but they just kept streaming down.

"Woah. Hey, I'm sorry alright?" Futakuchi was genuinely feeling guilty.

"Shut up..." Even more tears fell down and stained her cheeks.

"Oi! Stop being like this! This ain't the ___ which I fell in love with behaves!" Futakuchi shouted.

Shocked, she looked at him.

This time, it was Futakuchi which started crying.

"I'm sorry, l was just a coward, hurting the one I love just to get closer to her. I'm sorry..." He kept apologising.

___ gave a gentle smile before walking towards Futakuchi. He was too distracted wiping his tears that he didn't notice though.

She patted his head and he lifted it up.

"It's alright..."

On natural instinct, he hugged her and she rubbed circles on his back.

It's alright...
Thanks for reading. Please comment on how I can improve my writing:)

Coming up next is Sawamura Daichi x Reader!


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