Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Back in the present time, I walked into the cottage and started to get my things. I can't stay here with him anymore. As much as I wanted to be with my other friends, I can't think clearly knowing that he's just around waiting for another chance for us to talk. Even after everything, my memories of him stayed with me. I can't just erase all those memories, and I'm not ready with his confrontation.

Until now, I'm wondering what my life could be if I didn't leave him.

"Eunice, are you leaving already?" Mia asked me.

"Yes, my PA called me." I said. "It's been so nice to see you again guys and will you just say my goodbyes to the others please, 'til next time then. Goodbye."

"Wait!" called Mia. "Vince said that he wanted to talk to you, he's waiting by your car."

Gosh! How can I escape here? I need to find a way to get out of here.

"Will you do me a favor please, tell him that I'm really on a hurry, I'll just call him when I get the chance."

"Oh, okay. I'll tell him." Mia said heading out.

I followed her out of the cottage and turned to the other way going to the parking area. I won't take the chance of seeing him again. I need to call Beth.

"Hey Beth, I need you to make a reservation in the Continental Hotel, good for a day and please get me a ticket to Hawaii."

"What?! But why?" Beth shouted at me that made me move my phone away from my ear.

"Just do it for me please? I need to be far away from this place, I'm heading there now, I'll meet you at the lobby. Bye." I saw Mia talking to Vince and I tried to hide from their view. Hoping that he will listen to her. I saw Vince nodded and guessed that he believed her. As they walked back to the cottage, I hurriedly run to my car and started the ignition.

"Beth, did you get it?" I ran to Beth when I get to the lobby.

"Yes, here. I also packed some of your things. Don't you want me to come with you? Are you alright? What's the matter?" Beth asked in confusion. She knows when I'm hiding something.

"I can't explain it to you right now. I'll fill you in when I get there. Remember, I'm still on vacation." I grabbed my suitcase and my plane ticket from her.

"And Beth, if someone will come here and ask about my whereabouts, just don't tell him. Okay?" I told Beth.

"Well, well, well. So, you're practically escaping here. Who's that guy? Do I know him?" Beth asked with curiosity. As usual, she's just like one of the paparazzis.

"I'll just tell you about him soon. I need to go. Call me when anything happens especially when it's about Von so you better keep in touch with my mom. Just tell Joe that I'm still enjoying my vacation. No news about work for now, okay?" I'm only starting to have my own freedom again after all the stress and here I am now trying to avoid someone from my past. Oh, how I wish I didn't go to that reunion. All I'm asking is a month of peaceful life away from everything and it was all ruined by his presence. He still gets into my nerves.

As I arrived at the hotel, I went straight to the reception to ask for my reservation then a bellboy gets my luggage and helped me to my room. I'll be in Hawaii tomorrow, away from Vince. I just want to be alone and not being able to think about anything at all, except for Von, of course. I hate the idea of hiding him from the press but my job requires me to. This is my most awaited moment and I just can't let it pass thinking about Vince.

For almost four years, I've been busy doing my work as a ramp model and I'm really grateful for having this kind of job 'coz it keeps my mind busy. I never thought I would be successful in this kind of world, the competition is so high that I can't believed I was able to survive it. And here I am now, a super model in my own right. Joe, my manager discovered me while having a vacation in our beach resort with his friends. I'm not interested at first because I'm not really into modeling, I can't picture myself wearing different kinds of dresses while walking on the ramp with a lot of people watching my every step and waiting for me to falter and fell with my face first. And during that time, I learned that I was carrying Von. I am just so blessed to have Joe as my manager and at the same time I gained a friend in him. He really helped me a lot when I was pregnant. He was the one who told me to tell my mom about my situation. At first, mom was so angry because I didn't tell her about it. I explained to her that Vince and I didn't have the romantic kind of relationship, it just happened. So I told her not to tell Vince, 'coz I don't want to ruin Vince' future. I know she wants me to be married with Vince because she knew about my feelings for him, but I insisted not to. I'm afraid Vince won't love me the way I love him. My mom agreed, maybe she realized that things won't be better if she let the two of us got married with just me loving Vince.

So I rested for a year, enough time for me to prepare myself for modeling and got used to being a mother for Von. Mom helped me with my son, and she stayed with us. After patiently waiting for a year, Joe helped me signed on a contract for a modeling job. With his wide connections, he made sure that no news about Von would come out. And I also don't want Vince to know about him, selfish it maybe but I can't afford to let him know about my son. Then, eventually I learned to love and enjoy my work and the camera flashes with all the projections and poses that came along with it. I also got the chance to be on the cover of several known magazines. My life style changed from the simple lass I've been in our small town and a mother of one into a world-renowned super model.

I took a shower and blow-dried my hair; it's going to be a long day for me tomorrow. I need to rest my mind and body. It's going to be my first time in Hawaii and I'll be enjoying my vacation there.

When I woke up at around 6 AM, I headed to the bathroom and took a brief shower, donned my favorite jeans and shirt and went to the hotel's restaurant. My flight would be at 10 AM, I still have an hour to prepare my luggage and enough time for me to head to the airport. I grabbed my phone to look for messages and found nothing. I looked at my wallpaper and saw my son's face in it. Oh, how I missed him so. I just wish he was here with me now. Stop thinking, Eunice! Surely, he's perfectly fine with your mom.

I headed out of my room. I need to buy a new flip-flops and a new hat if ever someone might recognize me while on vacation there. I still have my latest sunglasses, I'll just have to stay low profile while touring the area. I can do this, I knew it's not going to be easy on my own, but hey, I lived like this before so I can manage.

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