Ordering Pizza

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*a pizza guy walks up to the mansion, 15 pizza boxes stacked up in his arms. He puts them down and knocks on the door, sighing. Madison and Myst open the door, staring up at the pizza guy*

Madison: Uhm... Come in.

Pizza Guy (We'll call him Steve): Uh, hey little girl, where's your parents?

Madison: Dead. I'll go get Lost. *she grabs Myst's hand and runs upstairs*

Steve: *shocked*

Glow: *walking past the door*

Steve: Oh, excuse me, I need to be paid for these!

Glow: Oh, hello... Sorry, I don't own the house. *she keeps walking*

*Tiana, Hector, Moony, Tulip, Camille and Calypso run up to Steve*

Steve: Hey kids, where's your parents?

Tiana: No idea.

Moony: I don't care.

Camille: At home!

Calypso and Tulip: Also at home!

Hector: Dad's probably drinking beer, and Rosa is with grandpa.

Steve: Oh... Who owns the house?

All Of The Kids: Lost!

Steve: Well, she need to pay for these pizzas.

Moony: *sighs* I'll go and get Nobody, to see if she's seen her.

Steve: No, no, wait, kid-

*they all run off, looking for Nobody*

Steve: Ugh...

*Nobody jogs over, frowning*

???: What?

Steve: I need money for these pizzas... Are you the owner of the house, Lost?

???: Ha! No, I'm not Lost. But I'll take the pizzas. *she picks up the huge stack of pizzas with the help of Moony and Camille* *they walk to the huge dining table*  GUYS! PIZZA'S HERE! COME ON DOWN AND EAT!

*Trick runs by the door, and Steve grabs his arm*

Steve: Hey, I need paid!

Trick: *eyes glow* Get off, old man.

Steve: I'm only 29-

Trick: GET OFF! *blue fire forms in his hands*

Steve: AH!

Lost: *walks over and pushes Trick away*  What's up? Do you want money for the pizzas?

Steve: *sighs happily and smiles* Yes.

Lost: Oh, alright. *pulls out a wallet and hands him a £20 note*

Steve: It's £45.30, actua-

Lost: *slams the door in his face* Whoo, pizza!

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