Making Cupcakes With The Gang

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Renee: ... Are you serious?

Lost: Completely.

Rae: Fine...

Jasmine: It actually sounds fun!

Hunter: Make cupcakes with these people? Well, it could be worse...

Renee: Someone go get Duncan. Dibs not doing it.

Everyone except Carter: Dibs not.

Carter: Okay... *calmly walks to the bottom of the stairs* *calmly takes a breath* ... YO, DUNCAN.

Duncan: *from upstairs* WHAT?


Duncan: FINE. *walks downstairs*

Lost: Good, now the whole gang's here!

Zack: That's good?

Lost: Yeah.

Zack: Hm.

Lost: *hands them a recipe* Start whenever. I'm gonna go hang with Ruadh. *waves and walks out*

*everyone starts grabbing ingredients and stuff* *timeskip to when everyone is stirring their mixture*

Zack: *looks over at Renee* What's cookin', good lookin'?

Renee: Ever say anything like that again, I'll slit your throat.

Zack: ...


Carter: FUCK.

*time skip to when Jasmine's cupcakes are in the oven*

Neon: ... Food fight! *throws some left over mixture at Rae*

Rae: *squeals* Neon! *throws an egg at him*

Neon: *throws some sugar at Renee*

Renee: *giggles and tips the bag of flour on Zack*

*food fight continues until everyone's cupcakes are done* *Lost walks in*

Lost: Hey, guys! How's it goin- WHAT THE FUCK?!

*flour in the walls, egg everywhere, Duncan is beating Ren with a wooden spoon, there's a bowl on Hunter's head, Zack is rolling in sugar and Jasmine is tipping milk on Rae* *Amy is in the shower*

Renee: ... We're done!

Duncan: ... Neon started it.

Neon: Shut up, Duncan.


Lost: Well, that didn't work out very well.

Ruadh: You're fucking telling me.

Nyla: Yes, she is telling you.

Lost: ... I'm not even gonna tell you to leave.

Nyla: Because even if you do, I'll still come back.

Lost: How does Will bear being with you?!

Will: It's quite easy, actually.

Ruadh: Yeah. Sure.

Nyla: Thanks, Will!

Will: You just have to have patience.

Lost and Ruadh: We literally have none of that.


*it starts to rain, and Riddle looks up, confused*

Riddle: Isn't it Christmas?!

Blake: Yeah, why?

Riddle: It's meant to snow, not rain!

Blake: But, Riddle, we live in the UK.


Wow. I'm just addicted to writing this book.

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