XMas Countdown- 11th

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Kyanna: Dammit, Lost... I was sleeping...

Lost: It's the middle of the day, Kya!

Kyanna: Get to the point, Lost.

Lost: It's the 11th! And I have an activity! It was planned this time!

Flora: *pops her head in the doorway* What is it?

Lost: We're gonna help the kids make Christmas lists!

Flora: Count me in, then!

Lazuli: *from downstairs* Me too!

Renee and Pixel: And me!

Lost: Okay, I'll go get the kids. You guys go get some catalogues, pens and pieces of paper. Oh, and a dictionary, just in case.

Renee: I'm on it... *goes into Lost's writing office, where she writes her shit books* *comes out with all of the supplies* Okay, I'll put them on the table downstairs...

Lost: *walks into the playroom* *Hector, Bluebell, Daffy, Fawn, Myst and Tiana are all playing 'Pretend' in there, giggling and talking* Hey, guys! Wanna write some Santa Lists?

Hector: Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!! *tackle hugs Lost*

Lost: ... Okay, then. ._.

*Lost walks downstairs, the kids following her* *Renee, Pixel, Lazuli and Flora are all talking, and setting up* *the kids sit down on a chair and grab a pen*

Flora: Okay... So, start off by writing 'Dear, Santa,' and then write what you would like. Got that? *they nod*

Bluebell: All I want is world peace!

Tiana: That's not gonna happen... *sighs*

Fawn: Don't get sad, it's Christmas! You know what I would like? I would like some new clothes. What about you, Hector?

Hector: Uh... A teddy bear.

Fawn: I would like a little music box with woodland animals in it...

Pixel: That's cool, Fawn.

Myst: *points to the word 'Sketchpad' on her list* *Lazuli smiles at it*

Lazuli: So you can talk to us?

Myst: *smiles and nods*

Pixel: That's so cute... :3

Daffy: I want a collection of gems!

Tiana: ... I could do that right now, Daffy.

Daffy: It would be better from Santa, Tia.

Tiana: Hmph... *continues writing list*

Renee: All finished?

*everyone nods*

Fawn: Best-

Daffy: Christmas-

Bluebell: Ever.

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