
"YOU'RE A RIGHT FOUL GIT, YOU DO KNOW THAT RONALD WEASLEY!" I bellowed as I made it to Herbology. Hermione was still missing.

"What?" I got closer, my shoulders rising to meet my ears, my fists clenching in utter anger.

"Hermione Granger you arse! Do you not realize that she's that she's been in the bathroom since charms, crying? I even gave her a happy potion just to perk her up!"

"Ron, I would run." Harry said casually. "I think Aidy is about to blow, she's shaking." and that I was. Every pore, every capillary in my body was shaking harder and harder with every passing second as I struggled with my fury. How dare he?

"Aids, you're over reacting." Ron said, his voice shooting up three octaves. Suddenly, Ron’s hair began to turn a brilliant shade of violet.

"Ron!" Harry gasped, as the shade began to spread down Ron's face, and soon even his fingernails stained an electric purple. (A/N C&TCF REFERENCE... I HAD TO...)

"WEASLEY, WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU PURPLE?" Sprout cried as I nearly began to weep in laughter, Harry desperately trying to hide his sniggers and failing miserably at it.

"I... I don't know, Professor!" Ron said, looking fit to burst with embarrassment.

"Head to the hospital wing, then. Unless you have something, Campbell?" I frowned inwardly; still laughing as I retrieved a color change potion that was specifically designed to reveal the true color of invisible ink, something that Snape said could come in handy.

"You're lucky, Ronald. I hope this works; it’s supposed to reveal true color. Hopefully it’s more general than just ink. Down the whole thing." He looked at me fearfully, but then tipped the vial and its lumpy contents down his throat. He shivered.

"Beastly stuff, that." but even as he said it, the color of his skin was lightening, and his hair was more of a strawberry shade now. Soon he was back to all of his flaming headed glory. He patted his body down, checking for more of his purple skin.

"Bloody hell, I'll never complain about the freckles again." I did notice that his freckles seemed a bit more prominent, but unlike Ron, just because I had an opinion didn't mean that I was going to say it.

"Well brewed, Ms. Campbell, 20 points to Gryffindor." As Sprout began to help Neville (Who seemed to be her favorite student) Ron glared at me.

"Oh, so you turn me purple and yet you get points for Gryffindor."

"Sprout was watching, you know. And laughing." Harry snickered. "Why does she like you so much, Aid?" I smirked.

"Sprout and I play Canasta after dinner every night in the staff room. She's a right laugh most of the time." the rest of class went by extremely fast, after Sprout had whipped us into shape and we had started to tickle the Laughing Darlas once again. Their giggles made a thick kind of syrup secrete from their leaves, and that syrup was very useful in curing bad cases of the hiccups.  

"Going upstairs to get dressed, Aidy?" Harry asked as I began to walk down the hallway that took you straight to Gryffindor tower. As a teacher (student teacher, perhaps, but teacher all the same) I didn’t have to conform to the dress code of the other students. Thus, i could dress up for Halloween.

"Yes. Save me a seat, Mr. Potter." He smiled, heading off towards the great hall with a wave.

I soon made it to my bedroom, and grabbed the parcel that Gemma had sent me. My newest robes were again in the same style as McGonagall's, but this time instead of my usual all black dress underneath them, there was a lovely pumpkin orange gown. My robes that went over it were all a beautiful variation of violet, all of it in soft velvet. I slipped my dress over my head, pulling the robes over it and buttoning the sleeves. I grabbed my Wand and hat, an orange and purple tassel swinging merrily from the point. I skipped merrily down the stairs, where McGonagall was waiting.

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