I chuckled dark which made the guards kept their weapons tighter.

My hand went to where my lightsaber hung. "Stop!" Cried the minor guard.

When activating my lightsaber their eyes widened in fear.

I attacked.

Ezra POV

You could say that the Inquisitor was not so happy because I had escaped from my cell. And that was an understatement. "For what are those stupid troopers still paid. They can't even hold a street rat in his cell. "

I thought that I could better remain silent and let him grumbling farther. "You're worth less than the trouble you have caused. If my master hadn't personally recommended me that I could not kill you... "

He stopped. All the time he had dragged me holding me at my collar, and now he threw me into my cell while he lifted me up at my collar.

I was nearly strangled while.

My head hit the hard metal bench and I literally saw stars. Small sparkles that floated in front of me and flickered. Like stars...

I was again lifted up and slammed back to the ground. Now the stars disappeared and I saw black spots dancing in front of my eyes. And between those spots I could see the Inquisitor's dark yellow eyes staring at me furious. He picked me back up at my collar and held my face in front of him. "You know that if children do not listen that they are punished."

He threw me on the floor again, but this time I managed to fall on my hands and knees.

Ha! Third time is lucky! It appeared that it is correct.

Cheered too soon: I heard a lightsaber being activated. "Shall we have some fun?"

And before I could duck away, he pulled with his lightsaber a stripe on my back from my left shoulder to my right hip.

Man, I screamed. I screamed in pain. The immense pain. It reminded me of the whipping of the master. Only this was worse. Way worse.

He kicked me so that I was lying on my back. The pain was so much. I tried to go lay on my side in the place, but he put his foot on my chest. I opened my eyes. "And if you ever try to escape again then you are not the one who get tortured."

He drew a line on my left arm. "Then the Twi'lek will suffer in pain."

A new line. "That Mandalorian girl will being punished instead of you."

Yet another line. "The Lasat will end up with the rest of its kind."

Now he drew a line on my other arm. The whole time I'd been biting my lip and I tasted blood in my mouth. "Your pathetic master will belong to the past as it should."

I was angry. Furious. He had to leave my friends alone. No! I mean my family!

"The traitor will get her punishment." Another line. And another. "Her little brother, he will die before her eyes."

I felt the tears flow down of my cheeks. Do not scream. Do not scream.

Another line on my chest. But it had twists. It was a kind of drawing. Now I screamed. Even louder than my last shout. "You belong to me, to the dark side."

I heard his lightsaber being deactivated. "And know well. If I have to punish you again the punishment will not be for you, your pathetic friends will be the one who suffer. "

After saying this, he left the room and left me alone with my wounds and my anger. I smelled the smell of burn flesh.


Maia POV

I couldn't let my gaze went off from the door where the Inquisitor had just dragged Ezra back through.

"Maia maybe you should tell the rest of the story." Hera suggested. I nodded. That will take my mind off of it. The time went also quicker when I would tell farther.

"Well ..." I started until I was broken by a scream. It seemed to come from below us. The person who shouted had terrible pain. And that person was Ezra.

My heart just broke when I heard that scream.

Voila I promised to someone that I would update today and here it is.

I wrote this chapter listening to my PENTATONIX CD amazing group and cd

If you liked OMI with CHEERLEADER well CHEERLEADER from PENTATONIX is even better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~ StarLoverRebel out

Star Wars Rebels Fan-fiction: Old friends?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz