Chapter 21

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Hey everyone.

This isn't my usual update day I usually update Friday's but about an hour ago(when I typed this) my friend stopped me in the hallway and told me Alan Rickman who played Severus Snape in Harry Potter died around 7:00. He had cancer. 😭I'm crying in class rn. R.I.P Severus...

"Wha-what happened?" I asked groggily, still trying to open my eyes wide enough to see my surroundings. I could hear voices but they didn't sound like any of Lost Boy's. When I was finally able to open my eyes completely I was shocked at what I saw.

I was in an unfamiliar clearing. Sitting on a log by the fire was Snow, Charming, Regina, Emma and Hook. We're they the people Peter was talking about earlier?

There was someone standing with their arms crossed, leaning against a tree behind the familiar group. I blinked a couple times and saw the figure was, indeed, familiar. It was Sebastian. I struggled to get up but my hands were tied around a tree. I could see him laugh quietly and he put his index finger to his lips, signaling me to be quiet.

"Calm down, Megan." Emma said and stood up, walking quickly towards me.

"What are you guys doing here!? What is he doing here?" I said nodding my head to Sebastian. I watched him look down and shake his head. Everyone followed my gaze to where Sebastian was standing only moments ago. I looked back at them and tried to get my hands loose. "Megan, honey, there's no one there." Emma said.

"I-u-what?" I said. I stopped trying to get my hands free and looked around for him. "I swear he was standing right there."

"There's no one there." Regina said, sounding like she was annoyed. After a couple awkward minutes Regina spoke again. "What are we doing? We should be rescuing Henry."

So glad to see your only priority is Henry. I thought and rolled my eyes.

Emma saw me and added "and you too, of course."

"Oh really? Then how come I'm tied up? How come you freaking kidnapped me to get me here? Why is that?" I said. Hook walked around and, bringing his hook down, cut the vines they were using to tie me up. I nodded my head to him. "And that's why you've always been my favorite." I said to him and he nodded his head.

"We tied you up because you've been here for months with Pan and his little followers. They could have had-"

"Wait." I said cutting Regina off. "I've been here for how long?"

"Um..well, almost 3 months..." Emma said trailing off.

"Are you kidding me!? I've been here for three months and no ones bothered to come find me but when Henry goes missing you all immediately jump up and try to get him back right away?"

"Actually I've tri-" Hook started.

"Shut it guyliner." I snapped. I wasn't going to let anyone make up excuses. "I can't believe any of you. Good luck getting Henry, but you won't have my help." I said and started to storm off but Regina waved her hand and I bounced off a wall of some sort. You know sometimes I really hate magic.

"Your not going anywhere until you tell us how to get Henry back!" She said walking over to me. "Even if it's against your own will!" She shoved her hand in my back and I couldn't breath. "Where is it-"

"Looking for something?"

Regina pulled her hand out of my back and I was able to breath again. I fell to my knees breathing heavily and looked to the one who spoke. Standing on the log was of course Peter. I smiled when I saw him and Regina gasped. When I saw the thing in his hand my smile faded. Peter was holding a glowing red heart, still beating.

"Hold on a minute. Is that mine?" I asked but he ignored me. Regina pulled me up and made a knife appear out of thin air, holding it to my neck.

"Let my son go now or you won't ever see little Megan here." She said and brought the knife so it was against my neck, not enough to cut me but if I tried to get out of her grasp it would. I looked up at Peter to see he was calm.

"Please. You wouldn't do anything to Megan." Peter said. Regina moved the knife and I felt a warm liquid roll down my neck. Blood.

"Regina stop! Henry would never forgive you for this." Emma said trying to talk sense into Regina.

Peter pulled out another heart from behind his back. "And if you want your son to still be alive, I suggest letting go of Megan. Now." Peter squeezed the other heart a little.

"Stop!" Emma yelled. Regina let me go, well she pushed me to the ground actually, and waved her hand. Hook, Charming, Snow, Emma and Regina were gone.

"Megan are you okay?" Peter asked jumping off the log and running in front of me. He knelt down and carefully helped me sit up.

"I'm fine. How did you get my heart?" I asked him.

"When we took you from Storybrooke and you were knocked out. I knew our little trespassers would be here and that they would try and get you to talk. I also know how stubborn you are and wouldn't have told them anything." He said and I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Well can I have it back?" I asked. He pushed the heart in my chest and when he pulled his hand out, my heart wasn't there. "So if this is my heart, who's is the others?" Oh god Peter please let that not be Henrys heart. I thought and he shook his head.

"It's not Henry's. It's mine." He said and starred into my eyes. "I had to do anything to get you back."

"Awe Peter." I said and wrapped my arms around his neck. He stood up and held me for a couple minutes.

"Come on, let's get back to camp." Peter said and started walking through the jungle.

"Ok but I'm still kinda upset at you taking my heart." I said following him.

"I'm sorry love I have to make it up to you sometime."

"I'm looking forward to it." I called after him.


*I asked my friend if she wanted to write my authors note. That was a mistake. Plz follow-comment-vote! I'll see y'all for chapter 22! Let's try to get 5 comments! The rest is my friends authors note:(you have been warned)

(This is an anonymous friend that Jessica happened to crush my soul/dreams). (Supposed to be in Jessica's voice) I'm sorry for crushing everyone's dreams and souls, but that's just my way. Anyway I hope you guys hate me for everything I've done, and I wouldn't blame you if your heart is broken just as mine is.

~Don't worry I'll keep crushing and gotta blast

Jessica's anonymous friend💨

*me*Bye guys!

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